Please see the Craigslist add, it has all the info and pics. you'd like any other info, please ask and I'll provide. thanks for looking!
2/8/2012 8:04:29 PM
Based on my research this place is over priced by a few hundred dollars a month. I assume you meant 3-4 bedrooms?
2/9/2012 11:54:59 PM
Yep meant to say 3-4 bedroom house. Check the rentals available in the same neighborhood. Price is equivalent.
2/10/2012 8:23:20 PM
so which is it? is it a 3 bedroom house or a 4 bedroom house? Or are you selling three 4-bedroom houses?
2/10/2012 8:40:21 PM
^It probably has a bonus room that can optionally be a bedroom depending on the preferences of the house's occupants.
2/11/2012 3:30:56 AM
Darkone, you are correct. The craigslist add explains it all. I think I'll repost this with a more specific title so as not to confuse anyone. It's a 3 bedroom house with large bonus room that could be optional 4th bedroom. It has 2 full baths. Very large outdoor deck. If you have any questions or want to see pics of the inside please let me know. Always check the Craigslist add.. I've been updating it as I worked this week.
2/11/2012 9:15:53 AM
I'll vouch for the house and landlord.
2/13/2012 3:47:00 PM