CL ad it expires or gets booted.Ive got a weight bench for sale. I used it a bit during the summer, but it sat in the garage during the colder months. Its still in pretty good condition. I used a towel almost all of the is a stock photo from the net. bench can adjust upwards a few spots and also has the lat pulldown attachment installed. There is also a curl attachment for preacher curls that will come with it.This package comes with:Bench2" olympic bench bar2" curl bar2 2" dumbellsa weight tree to hold the weightshere is a breakdown of the weights2 45lb2 35lb6 25lb6 10lb6 5lb4 2.5lbI can help deliver for a small fee depending on distance.Most places charge you $1 per pound of weight. so that would easily be $400 just for the weights.$350 includes everything. (accepting reasonable offers as well)I can try to get pictures. The garage is full of stuff so it may not look pretty.
11/17/2011 8:39:09 PM
The plates will fit a standard size 7' olympic bar?Will you sell just the 10s, 5s, and 2.5s?
11/17/2011 9:21:20 PM
if you break it up i could be interested in the 45s
11/18/2011 12:07:34 AM
Man I just started looking for weight plates like 3 days ago mane!Lemme get 2 25s at least sir
11/18/2011 3:46:47 AM
ok so im just going to part the weights out.dibs have already been called on: 2 45lbs2 25lbs all the 10's, 5's, and 2.5's shoot me a PM of what you're interested in. depending on what you buy we can work a deal.
11/18/2011 4:38:37 PM
Curl bar gone4 25's gone2 35's gone
11/20/2011 10:59:26 PM
Thanks to baonest my biceps, triceps, and trapeziusessez are bigger today than they were yesterday! AAA+++
11/21/2011 2:37:34 AM
45's gone
11/22/2011 3:48:40 PM