?Yes, it is not in the US, so some of the issues would be different, but the basics should be the same.Anybody have experience in this? Interested in personal stories.(for investment, not for building/farming)Edit: supposed to say "green" in the topic. (or undeveloped)[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 6:04 PM. Reason : ]
9/28/2011 6:03:02 PM
Between my brother and I, we have several hundred acres of wood and farm land. I can tell you from experience that you need to find out what kind of plans the region and/or neighboring landowners have for future development. Personally, that would be pretty high on my list if buying land for investment purposes. A proposed highway, landfill, airport, factory, etc. can really impact land values (negatively or positively) and it's important to know if those things may be in the future for the region, even if it's 20 or 30 years out. My brother and I are in a period of "watchful waiting" because one of the proposed corridors for a partially completed loop around the major city here will go through some of our property.
9/28/2011 6:17:59 PM
What are some good resources to find land for sale? Besides craigslist and penny trader type magazines.
10/6/2011 12:06:59 PM
10/6/2011 1:43:57 PM
trulia.com shows land for sale on their listings.
10/6/2011 3:19:44 PM
sorry i don't have much experience to share, but a wise man once told me that land is one of the best and most stable investments you can make because it's one of the only things that they don't make more of every day. Besides that, patience is paramount for ROI when it comes to land. Best of luck.
10/7/2011 8:05:08 AM
What about taxes on undeveloped land, can someone go into some detail on that?
10/7/2011 11:36:06 AM
I don't think Denmark's gonna let you buy Greenland. It generally isn't for sale.
10/7/2011 2:36:22 PM
Are you going to cut your losses on that condo you purchased?
10/7/2011 9:30:03 PM
^^ lolbottombaby, thanks for your advice.^ huh? condo is doing fine. looking at buying some land now. options: brazil, cayman islands, uk, saudi arabia.
10/11/2011 5:03:54 PM