The bards will be in Raleigh playing at the Lincoln Theater on Dec. 21. I got my tickets, who else is going?
11/28/2010 11:43:25 AM
Holyshit, really? I'm kind of past this musical phase in my life, but I still have a soft spot for them. At the time of my liking they were still touring mostly Europe.I might have to get tickets for this.
11/28/2010 12:47:40 PM
Holyshit, really? I'm kind of past this musical phase in my life, but I still have a soft spot for them. I might have to get tickets for this.
11/28/2010 7:57:29 PM
Nightfall in Middle Earth is still one of my favorite power metal albums ever. I might have to catch them when they're in LA on the 9th. Thanks for the head's up.
11/28/2010 8:20:56 PM
12/15/2010 5:30:17 PM
I shall be there, and holy shit I can't believe they are playing Lincoln.
12/15/2010 6:50:55 PM