This could be used in the soap box on how people plan to vote, or in the soap box on rating which of the 5 chicks are hottest to see who gets the most votes. (the correct answer is none of them, its the cheerleader effect).Plz to consider my suggestion of optional polls. Its a common feature on blogs these days where someone can type in a question, and then type in as many possible responses as they want. I'd suggest only allowing logged in users the ability to respond to the poll. I assume the poll would be built in to the top somehow, or at the end of the intro post.
10/13/2010 5:19:57 AM
Signed. You could use it in stuy hall too. This would be a great premie feature
10/20/2010 2:14:59 AM
a poll would be useful in this thread as a matter of fact.
10/20/2010 2:15:29 PM
Give the option of adding trolls to threads
10/20/2010 2:23:15 PM
I say we need troll polls
10/20/2010 2:31:01 PM
I'm not paying an extra troll poll toll.
10/21/2010 3:05:41 PM
I'd roll with a troll poll toll; it would dole out a whole lol or two if you didn't have to troll poll scroll just to see a thread.
10/21/2010 3:48:07 PM
10/21/2010 11:35:12 PM