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All American
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Quote :
"Olympic figure skater uses leaf blower to dry Porsche Boxster, burns down mansion instead?

Having unintentionally set at least one vehicle aflame inside of a garage ourselves, we know it takes cat-like reflexes and a certain presence of mind to keep from reducing all of your worldly possessions to cinders in that type of situation. It also helps to not try to dry out the interior of your Porsche Boxster with a leaf blower. That's exactly what Olympic figure skater Kurt Browning was allegedly trying to do when his droptop went all toasty. According to The Toronto Star, the city's fire department says that Browning left said leaf blower unattended, the car caught fire and his house went up shortly thereafter.

Browning had attempted to put out the flames with a fire extinguisher, but the damage was already done. A total of 80 firefighters and 10 trucks were on hand to attempt to reduce the damage and protect surrounding homes from potential fire. No one was injured in the blaze, but the house is said to have suffered hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. We're guessing the Porsche is a lost cause, too."

Man, some things you just can't make up.

8/19/2010 4:55:21 PM

All American
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its just a boxster, but damn

8/19/2010 5:17:30 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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Haha a figure skater.

8/19/2010 6:24:25 PM

All American
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WTF? Why was he trying to do this inside, why was he using a leaf blower (how wet was it exactly?) and why did that cause the car to catch on fire? I mean it doesn't even produce heat.

8/20/2010 2:44:34 AM

All American
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Perhaps thats why there is a question mark in the article title.

8/20/2010 2:50:56 AM

Bobby Light
All American
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Of course the leafblower produces heat....there's moving parts inside the blower creating friction which creates heat...

It sounds like he just turned it on and sat it inside his car haha.

8/20/2010 8:22:13 AM

All American
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^I know it produces some heat but it's not a hairdryer--but I was imagining him standing there waving the blower around. If he just turned it on and set it in the car, then yes, that's asking for trouble!

8/22/2010 3:25:36 PM

14088 Posts
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the only thing that comes to mind is he or someone who worked on the blower removed the spark arrestor from the muffler and a spark landed inside the car.

8/22/2010 3:51:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"figure skater"

Quote :

Quote :

8/22/2010 4:25:44 PM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
"fire department says that Browning left said leaf blower unattended"

it appears that the guy left it in the car. and it was probably a gas powered blower, so when the engine got hot enough, it caught the fabric on fire...

8/22/2010 7:15:02 PM

All American
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So why was it all wet inside again. Did the ice from his skates melt and get everywhere and h was just to lazy to wipe it up.

8/22/2010 11:38:57 PM

45912 Posts
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he took it swimming along with his golden retriever earlier in the day.

8/22/2010 11:47:16 PM

Not suspended
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really guy?

8/23/2010 12:13:48 AM

All American
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My leaf blower gets hot on the side. It said he left it on and unattended, so I think the engine heat probably caused it. Gotta learn, while blowing your car dry, make sure to turn of the blower when you go in the house idiot

8/23/2010 8:54:16 AM

All American
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A/C + heat turned on while the windows were up and top closed probably would've done a much better job anyway, though it doesn't sound like he was very savvy to begin with...

8/23/2010 10:11:18 AM

All American
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Ac+ heat. Wut.

Heat on full blast for about 2 hours. Works all the time.

8/23/2010 11:04:58 AM

All American
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^AC on b/c it removes the humidity in the air...thus making anything wet inside evaporate faster.

8/23/2010 11:29:41 AM

All American
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Nope. Never.

8/23/2010 12:42:31 PM

 Message Boards » The Garage » How NOT to dry out the interior of your convertibl Page [1]  
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