I'm still waiting for it to trickle down.... wait... here it comes! Why does that taste like piss?http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/08/income-gap-between-rich-a_n_639984.html
7/9/2010 9:45:45 AM
How about you stop whining, and go fucking work?
7/9/2010 9:47:44 AM
Heh, lemme know when you get into that top 1 percent, BD.
7/9/2010 9:50:15 AM
Well, i'm armed with the knowledge that I don't need to be in that top 1% to be happy. So, I don't whine as much.
7/9/2010 9:54:28 AM
You don't have a problem with the income level raising over time at an incredibly higher rate for the ridiculously rich more than anyone else?
7/9/2010 10:08:32 AM
thats globalization. The public education system has completely failed to educate the populace to meet the demands of changing economies. But yea. You keep blaming rich people. Thats a real easy target, isnt it.
7/9/2010 10:37:34 AM
You don't think that they control the policy? Why wouldn't they make it so they get rich at the expense of everyone else?
7/9/2010 10:48:56 AM
What makes you say it's "at the expense of everyone else"?
7/9/2010 11:18:55 AM
Either they're creating wealth out of thin air or,instead of all of us increasing our wealth by 50%, us "normies" get an increase of 25%, and they get an increase of 281%.281%.
7/9/2010 11:33:03 AM
who caresthe more money you have, the easier it is to make more.
7/9/2010 11:43:49 AM
I realize that you are one of the biggest douche bags on this board but I feel the need to respond. The rich get richer? NO SHITThey didn't become rich by working at a fucking call center and bitching on a message board all day. You also need to realize that 1% is actually a lot of fucking people. The people that are in that 1% change quite a bit over time. Do you think that when people are in that top 1% they stop earning money? No they invest that money and create jobs. They didn't become a 1%er (to borrow from Biker lingo) by stuffing their money in a mattress. This is what makes our world go round, if you don't like it, change it or GTFO.I hope that while you are going back for your second degree you take a couple of economic courses.
7/9/2010 11:55:36 AM
Statistically these data do not take into account non-monetary benefits (which have been growing as a fraction of worker compensation over this time period).But more importantly, it doesn't address income modbility. After tax incomes among the top 1 percent have been growing really really fast. Okay, but this doesn't necc imply that the "rich get richer" as the people in each percentile will change from year to year. This year, I may be in the top fifth, next year I may be in the bottom fifth. I know of more than 1 real estate agent that was netting almpst 100k 5 years and is netting 20k this year. These types of data are essentially useless for telling us about actual inequality in the United States. NOW, your post might actually mean something if you also showed that income mobility was declining. In that case you actually could say the "rich are getting richer" while the rest of us are fucked.Short of that you're just talking out of your ass. [Edited on July 9, 2010 at 12:07 PM. Reason : PS* Think longitudinal not cross-sectional.]
7/9/2010 12:04:47 PM
the top 1% are also providing a lot of the jobs for the rest of us by putting their money at risk. but again, its easier to player-hate than it is to actually go make yourself rich..so i get it.
7/9/2010 12:08:20 PM
lololthe sweet benevolent rich creating all these jobs for youthe same ones that got rich during the housing bubbleand then got rich when it burst in 2008and continue to get rich while everyone else is unemployed
7/9/2010 12:12:19 PM
how are the "rich" going to get richer when "everyone" is unemployed, not purchasing good/services, etc...they dont shit money. there are some people who are savvy and have capital will certainly get rich on the downturn, because they can flip distressed real estate, loan money when banks wont, etc...but that is on their own merits.its not difficult to grasp.[Edited on July 9, 2010 at 12:24 PM. Reason : .]
7/9/2010 12:23:44 PM
When you don't know what you're talking aboutuse emotion, hyperbole, slippery slopes, and strawmen to cover up your ignorance.God and indy has mastered this far beyond anyone else on TWW.[Edited on July 9, 2010 at 2:18 PM. Reason : .]
7/9/2010 1:56:40 PM
7/9/2010 2:29:04 PM
Whether the rich people are completely responsible for this or are only benefiting from it, it's a problem.I have no problem with the rich getting richer, as long as the poor are getting richer too.
7/9/2010 3:02:06 PM
7/9/2010 3:05:09 PM
7/9/2010 3:10:46 PM
It's sad to see dogs defending their masters for the sake of table scraps
7/9/2010 3:25:27 PM
Looks like the technology boom made some nerds really rich. In the meantime, they've made the lives of all people a lot better because we all use thier gadgets. I don't understand why there always has to be a bad guy and a victim. OMF RICH PEOPLE LOST A HIGHER PERCENT OF WEALTH IN THE DOTCOM BUST LIFE ISNT FAIR KILL THE POOR
7/9/2010 3:26:46 PM
Get ready for everybody to trot out arguments that exploitation is necessary and goodIt's funny how the oligarchy has trained you to love rough yanks of your leash
7/9/2010 3:30:54 PM
A LOT has changed since 2007. A LOT. I'm not talking about Alot the monster either.
7/9/2010 3:49:11 PM
McDanger actually, you should probably get ready for some one to ask what role exploitation plays in country where education is heavily subsidized and workers operate in a competitive labor market where they are free to move from job to job.Honestly, you should be ready to define the term "exploitation" itself. Because I think it would be very difficult to do given insights from neoclassical microeconomic theory on how prices (such as wages) are the result of the voluntary interactions between buyers (employers) and sellers (workers) with subjective preferences. I am suspecting you picked up the term because you think it makes you sound radical--without realizing of course that its traditional definition is dependent on the idea value can be objectively measured (specifically using the "labor theory of value" from classical economics), an idea roundly refuted almost 100 years ago during the Marginal Revolution. But I digress...[Edited on July 9, 2010 at 3:54 PM. Reason : ``]
7/9/2010 3:52:14 PM
gronke, i guess if you're arguing for a massive reduction in the size of the federal government im all for it. But more likely this is some stupid faggot whiny babby "gimme money cause im too dumb to do anything" rant.
7/9/2010 4:00:03 PM
I believe the reason for these statistics is that the poor people spent all of their money on lottery tickets.
7/9/2010 4:05:55 PM
7/9/2010 4:15:44 PM
7/9/2010 4:20:54 PM
7/9/2010 4:52:52 PM
Not exactly related, but I'm reminded of this video I saw a while back:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HTkEBIoxBAThe screening of the lecture itself ends at the thirty-seven mark.
7/9/2010 5:08:19 PM
7/9/2010 5:29:10 PM
Potty Mouth, Thanks for the post. I remember a similar presentation from a 1997 article in the Journal of Economic Perspectives (using the same data set it looks like). Mobility was declining then, too.* This should be the statistic that pisses people off. Rather than piss and moan about how much the "rich" are making, realize that it is becoming less and less likely you will be "rich" yourself. That is kinda what America is built on. That anyone can make it if they work hard enough.What everyone in this thread needs to realize is that income levels don't mean shit. But declining mobility might signal a structural problem we might want to address. *found it. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2138234?seq=18[Edited on July 9, 2010 at 5:53 PM. Reason : ``]
7/9/2010 5:48:59 PM
Trickle-Down IgnoranceBy Thomas SowellApril 2, 2005
7/9/2010 6:01:49 PM
How does that at all end the thread?
7/9/2010 6:54:06 PM
How does "[/thread]" ever end any thread? These days, it's usually more of a rhetorical device--but this, of course, is self-evident.
7/9/2010 7:02:08 PM
7/10/2010 2:29:59 AM
^ Thomas Sowell, PhD in economics, University of Chicago; AM in economics, Columbia University; AB in economics, magna cum laude, Harvard College. Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University: September 1980 to present.Professor at Cornell, Amherst, and the University of California at Los Angeles, Brandeis University, and several other colleges.Columnist, commentator, and author of several books on economics (Basic Economics and Applied Economics, just to name a couple), as well as numerous other books on history, social policy, ethnicity, and the history of ideas. vs.Kris, some guy on the Internet.[Edited on July 10, 2010 at 7:43 PM. Reason : "Just some thoughts I felt were relevant." LOL! GG! ]
7/10/2010 7:42:27 PM
this is what happens when you subsidize the breeding of idiots.
7/10/2010 7:59:44 PM
^ Spoken like a true idiot .... I do think it has to do with globalization. American workers have to compete with the lowest labor rates in the world, while investors just get cheaper labor and higher profits ... But, do thing to strenthen labor and you would think the world is going blow up.
7/10/2010 10:30:28 PM
haha. There is certainly some truth to it, sorry.You can also look to the increase in numbers on SSI. I would hate to see how much it is now with the recession.http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.socialsecurity.gov/policy/docs/chartbooks/disability_trends/chart11.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.socialsecurity.gov/policy/docs/chartbooks/disability_trends/sect01.html&usg=__LEZ5FRsaPgcenWBt7UczBJdUkqE=&h=429&w=649&sz=16&hl=en&start=8&sig2=l4eEOCIA0bcrZmKV5YS6ow&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=UjQGRB7MuJDzLM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnumber%2Bof%2Bpeople%2Bon%2Bwelfare%2Bor%2BSSI%2Bby%2Bdecade%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=ZEA5TJqcCsKqlAf9ipWeBA
7/11/2010 12:14:46 AM
This graph indicates that if you weren't on the lower half of the employment bell curve, Republicans and Bill Clinton have made capitalism a great success. If you unfortunately reside at the unemployable end of the spectrum with Gronke, you are pissed off at how everyone around you has been awarded for the progress they made while you remained stagnant.
7/11/2010 12:48:28 AM
Did you guys know you can get SSDI for a learning disability!?!?Like, grown adults get $750/month for a learning disability. And I don't mean mental retardation...I mean, just being a tad bit slow on the uptake in one area or another...WTF?
7/11/2010 1:25:09 AM
Sorry, the whole system just seems crazy!I recently heard a story on NPR about a mentally ill 34 year-old mother of six who is finally medicated and off the streets...She only gets $900/month to support her family and seems happy with it but is in a bunch ofprograms to do better for herself.Then I hear a story about a childless, learning disabled dude who gets $750/month (and works jobs on the side)...and lives with his learning disabled girlfriend who is also drawing on disability...This don't make no sense!
7/11/2010 1:51:20 AM
^yeah. When I first started practicing another doc in the practice asked if I noticed how many medicaid kids have ADD or ADHD listed on their forms. So we tracked it for a month. It was almost 80%. So we talked about what to do with that data and she happened to have a social worker as a patient and she said they put them on that to get an extra 500 a month and not to worry about it. That was an eye opener for me.What is frustrating is that a lot of people who really need some assistance cant seem to get any, while the lazy with cell phones and their nails done seem to get the lions share. Not to mention the braces they all have for free, while the staff cant afford to put them on their kids...yet take home less money to help pay for the ones who dont work.. totally upside down.[Edited on July 11, 2010 at 1:55 AM. Reason : .]
7/11/2010 1:52:20 AM
We call social services to try to get some kind of temp help for alot of workers who either dont have ins or dont have the right kind/under insured and they just tell them to quit working. System is just fucked up for those who are really trying and just need some help. We used to get great drug help from drug companies before part D came, now its a little tougher. They even cracked down on pharm/doc relationships so i dont get many samples anymore either. Sucks.
7/11/2010 2:02:09 AM
7/11/2010 2:06:32 AM
Trickle down economics was never economics, it was a political slogan. Economists always found it laughable, because wealth does not trickle down, it trickles up. For more wealth to be created, the creator must first invest effort and money to create infrastructure and jobs, making everyone else better off right now, and then slowly over time recoup profit from their investments.
7/11/2010 3:22:17 AM
^^ I didn't attack you in an ad hom manner at all. I simply contrasted the qualifications of Dr. Thomas Sowell with what is known of your qualifications--I find Sowell to be significantly more credible.
7/11/2010 4:44:32 AM
^^because poor people are our nations biggest employers. got it. does the top graph of the top 1% mirror the stock market? That would make the most sense, as poorer people are less likely to invest.
7/11/2010 9:47:27 AM