Very close to NCSU. It is perfect for NC State students and very close to a Wolfline stop. It is well taken care of with new toilets, HVAC system, fridge, and CFL's throughout. Asking $835/month plus utilities (which are low due to aforementioned upgrades). It has a deck, outside storage, 2 dedicated parking spots.Address is 2008 Trexler CourtPlease pm if interested
6/23/2010 6:27:04 PM
I can blow up some new toilets.
6/24/2010 10:45:37 AM
Goddamnit slaptit get this shit out there earlier.I would have eaten this shit up in the Spring.
6/24/2010 12:28:16 PM
In that I would have wanted to lease it for the summer and subsequent year.
6/24/2010 12:28:40 PM
well dammit, pass the word around............this is one of the better places here^^^good luck, these new toilets take massive dumps without a problem. I haven't clogged it in 3 years....
6/24/2010 11:25:44 PM
rent has been lowered to $815/month
6/28/2010 8:48:28 PM