I have a few games I'd like to play on system link and was wondering if anyone used xlink kai. I know it was big back in the days of halo1 but the community seems to still exist and I was hoping there was at least a niche following on tdub
5/1/2010 12:25:46 AM
I've thought about setting it up on mine, but I'm in Gboro so I doubt I would actually be able to play with any of you
5/1/2010 12:08:04 PM
Whoa, blast from the past. I used to play Halo 2 big time on xlink, but I haven't used it since around 2006-7 I think. The H2 community shrank after H3 came out.
5/1/2010 12:24:37 PM
I'm mainly looking to play splinter cell right now.
5/1/2010 5:30:00 PM