How long does it usually take to get a callback for a job interview? I've applied to places across the country and got responses within a day or two saying either they want an interview or that they aren't interested. There is one place however that has not responded and it has been about a week and a half since I sent in my resume. How long do you wait before trying to contact them? Should I send it again just in case they missed it the first time or does it mean they just don't want me and are too lazy to tell me so?
4/15/2010 1:31:28 PM
they're just not that into you, bro
4/15/2010 1:33:26 PM
Wait longer than a week and a half to take action. However, think about it logically. If they truly did not receive your resume, you have practically no chance of getting the job, correct? However, if you badger them with another resume too soon, they may throw your resume out for being a pest. On the flip side, they may commend you on your persistent nature. Either way, the choice should be simple, given enough time.
4/15/2010 1:39:56 PM
Is it a state job?
4/15/2010 1:43:28 PM
I'm searching for a youth educator/program director position. The only reason I worry is because everyone else responded within 48 hours, so I don't feel like it would be pestering to contact them again after a week.
4/15/2010 1:50:47 PM
just call them
4/15/2010 2:36:31 PM
Did you apply by email? I'd wait a week after your initial email and then send a followup email. Google can help you find good follow-up examples.
4/15/2010 2:41:44 PM
I sent out another resume to a different place this morning and got a call within 2 hours.
4/15/2010 9:27:58 PM
It depends on if they have a closing date for receiving applications. I just applied for a job that's closing date isn't until the beginning of May. So I get to sit here wondering for another couple of weeks
4/15/2010 9:45:51 PM
I wish i could even find people in my field who are hiring so I can get a damn interview. Anyone know of anything in stream restoration or storm water mitigation?
4/15/2010 9:58:38 PM