message_topic.aspx?topic=591559This thread got me thinking about how much news I receive from Twitter; although I consider using Twitter for general status updates somewhat lame, I think it's a great source for news updates.So, feel free to post any news or opinion/news sources you follow on Twitter. I tend to follow both right-wing and left-wing sources, in order to get the full spectrum of crazy.I'll start: WSJ, wsjworldnews, WSJ_Econ, WSJWashington, nprpolitics, nytimesworld, greeninc, dotearth, nytlite, nytimeseconomix, nytimesatwar, NYTimeskrugman, cnni, cnnbrk, PoliticalTicker, CNN, CNNMoneyMKTS, PostWorldNews, postpoll, whorunsgov, postpolitics, AJEnglish, Reuters, financialtimes, ftuseconomy, bbcworld, TIME, TIMESwampland, TIMEHealthSci, TIMEBusiness, TIMEPolitics, politico, PoliticoArena, politico44, mmfa, mmaction, CBSNews, CBSInvestigates, CBSTopNewsRSS, huffingtonpost, CatoInstitute, ForeignAffairs_, FDArecalls, tpmmedia, joshtpm, CSMnational, GuardianUSA, foxnewspolitics, weeklystandard, Newsweek, BreakingNews, Heritage, ExaminerOpEds, ByronYork, cstirewalt, rcpblog, RCParticles, rcpvideo, mediaite, msnbc_politics, msnbc_world, NBCFirstRead, SlateArticles, johndickerson, Drudge_Report, rollcall, congressdaily, senatus, nationaljournal, dcinfluence, googlenews, current_news
4/9/2010 10:52:36 PM
5/24/2010 1:12:32 PM
fuck Time
5/25/2010 7:43:30 AM
i remember when i used to think real clear politics wasn't a hack site. . .
5/25/2010 7:58:20 AM
I've been getting my niche news from twitter for a while - stuff that appeals to me that wouldn't appear on NPR or the front page of a newspaper. eg - motocycle reviews, new smartphones, advances in solar technology, video games, etc
5/25/2010 11:20:03 AM
oil spill top kill engineer
5/26/2010 12:14:55 PM
9/11/2010 3:06:01 PM
ProPublica also has a page on Twitter.ProPublica teamed up with Frontline and The Times-Picayune for this story:Law & Disorder: An on-air and online investigation into questionable police shootings by the New Orleans Police Department in the wake of Katrina read this story when it was first released in print and am glad that it's also being presented in video format.
9/11/2010 3:40:47 PM