I have a Samsung 2333SW 23-inch monitor, and it's been working great (with the correct resolution of 1920x1080) for several months now. It seems that lately when I plug in any usb device, the monitor flickers. I also noticed that when i have it connect to my Dell laptop (which is most of the time), and close the lid to force only the Samsung monitor to be active, it will now change resolutions to a non-native resolution.Now my laptop thinks that the native rez is 1600x1200 which looks terrible. I can't even select (or force) it to go back to 1920x1080.This just happened recently, and I've been running Win7 for several months. Just out of the blue! I have factory nvidia video card, and use the nvidia control panel to set the resolution, although I've the OS display settings too.One more thing, the monitor used to display in the correct rez, but recently only started to screw up and change rez when I closed teh laptop lid. This no longer happens, but the rez is still wrong.any ideas? it's driving me crazy!
3/3/2010 11:16:50 PM