you're playing with power!Seriously though I actually like this device. It's sleek, you can still use the keyboard, the magnetic connector is a nice touch. I'm not certain how useful it'll be in a FPS unless I could figure out a comfortable position for movement on the glove. In WoW, though it would be sick to just sit back and tap out my rotation. Movement will be tricky, but I think it could work..have to find a button for strafing and backpedaling.
2/24/2010 11:17:44 AM
I love the power glove. It's so bad.
2/24/2010 11:45:36 AM
You know how that kid had a totally badass briefcase for his power glove? One day when my mom was at work or some shit I got a suitcase and filled it with lady clothes, leaving a power glove-shaped cavity in the center so I'd be just as cool as that kid in the movie. I don't want to brag or anything, but I was pretty fucking cool.
2/24/2010 10:16:54 PM