Ok so here is the deal. This problem has been confusing me for a few months now. It has happened with my old Kodak point and shoot or with my new Rebel XT (.jpg is what i'm uploading).When I go to upload the photos to photobucket, flicker, facebook or an email (as in, uploading more than one at a time) my computer stalls. Say if I upload 10 photos to photobucket, it will upload the first one, and then just freeze. If I leave it long enough, it will finally show it uploaded one, but it wont do anymore. Facebook and flickr does the same thing.Any idea what could be happening?
2/9/2010 9:19:21 PM
who is your internet connection through?and is this the only problem you're having?
2/9/2010 9:51:33 PM
what browser version, and are you using the HTTP uploader or the flash based?
2/9/2010 9:57:21 PM
Internet is through time warner, this is the only major problem I am having so far.Its the latest version of Firefox and it was the HTTP uploader (bulk uploader)
2/9/2010 10:04:00 PM