I got a new bed and no longer need the box spring that i had. if you need one or know someone who does, come and get it. if not, i guess i'll just put it by the dumpster. purchased it brand new and have had it 2 years.
1/21/2010 9:38:59 PM
is it a standard or a split box spring? if it is split, I will come get it right now
1/23/2010 11:39:05 AM
um...i think it's just a standard.
1/23/2010 7:03:22 PM
pm sent
1/23/2010 11:23:54 PM
Still available?
1/24/2010 12:05:59 PM
still available, just have to have a way to transport it. i dont have anything big enough to deliver it anywhere.
1/24/2010 5:14:30 PM
PM sent
1/25/2010 12:34:52 PM