12/23/2009 1:12:11 PM
You can break his nose, but you can't break his willNor can you break his will's nose.
12/23/2009 1:14:10 PM
Breaking his nose is useless against him since he breathes through his mouth anyway.
12/23/2009 2:39:39 PM
It was so competitive, they broke a leg from a table and they threw it, it went right through his heart and he died right on the court. So I'm accustomed to playing basketball really rough.
12/23/2009 2:49:54 PM
you should be able to tackle people in basketball and not get called for a foul.
12/23/2009 4:09:50 PM
i wish i could get the sound he is making, record it, and make it my ringtonelike that family guy episode
12/23/2009 9:38:57 PM
12/24/2009 12:13:21 AM