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 Message Boards » » What's the best course of action here? Page [1]  
New Recruit
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Most likely won't pull a C in this 4 hour class. Should I drop it or should I put it as credit only?

I am taking 14 hours. If I drop I'll only have 10 hours. Whats that mean for my financial aid? Does credit only allow me to keep the credit hours?

BTW emails r sent out but I want to know right now if anybody knows.....thanks!

10/13/2009 9:53:41 PM

All American
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if you did credit only you would stay at 14 hours but if you make below a C its unsatisfactoy= fail. Maybe you can audit it?

[Edited on October 13, 2009 at 11:56 PM. Reason : `]

10/13/2009 11:56:29 PM

All American
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for credit only it is C- not C.

[Edited on October 14, 2009 at 12:32 AM. Reason : at least for the PE class I am taking.]

10/14/2009 12:32:00 AM

All American
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10/14/2009 1:45:33 AM

Starting Lineup
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I'm in the same sorry ass boat. I dont see how it would effect financial aid if we've already paid (or paying) for the fall. Hang in there man...

10/14/2009 2:01:18 AM

Starting Lineup
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name620, I was doing some searching around and reading about others past experiences and it seems like switching to credit only will not affect the financial aid. If anyone else knows if financial will be affected by changing to credit only for name620's situation, that would be helpful because I'm in the same boat.

10/14/2009 3:00:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I dont see how it would effect financial aid if we've already paid (or paying) for the fall."

It won't affect anything this semester or next. You have to pass 24 hours every calendar year, so you might be in trouble come next fall and spring.

10/14/2009 8:29:16 AM

All American
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Almost 100% correct. Per the link duro982 posted:
Quote :
"(b) has passed 12 or more semester hours with grades of A, B, C, S, CR, or D at the end of his/her first academic year (freshman or transfer), or has passed 24 or more semester hours each subsequent academic year with grades of A, B, C, S, CR, or D as of the end of the spring semester each year. "

Go see your advisor by Friday the 16th. That is the best course of action.

[Edited on October 14, 2009 at 7:49 PM. Reason : .]

10/14/2009 7:47:53 PM

New Recruit
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Thanks for the responses guys.

Perlith, I'm going to see my advisor tomorrow. From that quote it looks like I could drop down to 10 this semester and then take at least 14 hours next semester and still be ok. Is this right?

[Edited on October 14, 2009 at 8:00 PM. Reason : Q]

10/14/2009 8:00:27 PM

All American
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Keep in mind that if you do drop to 10 hrs you will be considered a part-time student and won't get the benefits of being a full-time student.

10/15/2009 8:51:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
"It won't affect anything this semester or next. You have to pass 24 hours every calendar year,"

10/15/2009 1:25:16 PM

All American
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why does firefox think the word "advisor" is incorrect?

10/15/2009 1:35:30 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^ Add to Dictionary!

10/15/2009 1:55:32 PM

All American
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i don't know how it affects financial aid but I did the same thing while I was in school. I was never refused financial aid the next semester for not fullfilling my fulltime hours of the previous semester, but maybe I slid under the radar? I am paying those student loans now that I'm finished... it sucks!

[Edited on October 16, 2009 at 12:13 PM. Reason : ]

10/16/2009 12:13:21 PM

All American
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for those of you who don't know what happens, I posted a link to the official policy a couple of days ago.

I'll post it again:

You should skip TWW and just set up an appointment with your financial aid advisor. They're available to help you with this sort of thing. You could also just shoot them an email, it would probably be considerably faster.

Just find your advisor (based on your last name) and email them.

10/16/2009 3:41:09 PM

All American
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You will probably not be able to drop the class (without a *significant* amount of paperwork). The date to drop below 12 hours for undergraduate students has long passed (it's well before the overall drop deadline). I only know this b/c I got screwed a few semesters ago when I wanted to drop to 11 hours and couldn't.

10/16/2009 4:56:58 PM

supple anteater
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I don't remember anything about the rules any more, but my generally philosophy is go for all the credit you can get, and if credit only would work then aim for that.

10/16/2009 5:18:58 PM

All American
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^^anything can be accomplished at this university with the requisite number of signatures.

10/19/2009 5:33:46 AM

All American
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whoa whoa whoa.

I only had to take 12 hours my fresh man year?

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

10/19/2009 9:56:08 AM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » What's the best course of action here? Page [1]  
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