Anyone else see this?I mean the two couldn't have a more different is a lesbo Italian from AZ, the other is a jewish former mossad officer from Israel but....
9/14/2009 2:23:59 PM
9/14/2009 2:26:09 PM
Can I start using this forum as a shitty blog, too?
9/14/2009 2:47:20 PM
lock and suspend for this stupidityIt's the Soap BoxUnless you get on your soap box and rant about how they look drastically alikeget this shit the fuck out and back to chit chat
9/14/2009 2:55:58 PM
well if I went to chit chat, everyone would be like, 'OMG SP'OK....It's a conspiracy! I think the they are part of a manchurian candidate like family that has been set to over take the united states government....and then the world. OMFG
9/14/2009 2:57:53 PM
it doesnt belong in TSB because it's a retard's blog doesnt belong in CC because it's just retarded.IBTL
9/14/2009 3:15:08 PM
bite me bitches. ok. lock the thread. I had no idea that chit chat wasn't supposed to be for retarded shit....I think I'll go see if I can find any that should be locked in there.... Also, fuck you bitches.....some fucking humor in the shit box is useful sometimes considering that every thread in here ends with 'you're a fucking moron if you're a dem/rep!' or 'you're a heartless POS'
9/14/2009 3:19:57 PM
9/14/2009 3:22:48 PM
um...yeah, not sure where I got that from ..... not in the Israeli army even....this is what happens when internet 'facts' creep into your brain. MY BAD
9/14/2009 3:30:50 PM
who the fuck are these people???
9/14/2009 3:32:29 PM
9/14/2009 3:33:25 PM
I'd rather read salisburyboy threads, at least they were entertaining
9/14/2009 3:53:28 PM
Well clearly you were entertained enough to post in here.
9/14/2009 3:54:31 PM
i'm also entertained by people getting kicked in the crotch
9/14/2009 3:56:26 PM
as am I. Let me know if you would ever like to make an entertaining video as I would be happy to co-star with you.
9/14/2009 3:57:37 PM
maybe i could kick janet n. in the crotch. zing!
9/14/2009 3:59:41 PM
that would work too....and part II could feature Lady Gaga
9/14/2009 4:02:32 PM
9/14/2009 4:12:48 PM's just that you seem to frequent TSB...and Janet is the Sec of DHS and Rahm is the White House Chief of Staff.... sort of big names in the whole politics thing....sort of
9/14/2009 5:48:49 PM
9/14/2009 5:55:30 PM
hey check it out, both of these people have spots in their hair that are different colors from the rest of their hair, kinda like the OP's pix
9/14/2009 7:45:44 PM
9/14/2009 7:56:53 PM