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All American
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Doesn't get the respect he deserves.

The guy's a policy wonk.

On a related note:

9/12/2009 8:22:28 AM

All American
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9/12/2009 8:25:58 AM

All American
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Slightly more insightful that "HA HA STEWART SMALLY DUR DUR DUR"

9/12/2009 8:27:35 AM

All American
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Talking to people who have met him, he's probably much more serious about his work than most "serious" politicians. It is rather refreshing, even if I disagree with him politically.

9/12/2009 8:50:34 AM

Thots and Prayers
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Honestly, I have been mildly pleased with Al Franken respecting the position that he has now, taking it seriously, and making the most of what has been afforded him. He reads the bills, goes to his meetings everything. Even if I really don't care for him, he is at least doing his job. I can respect that.

9/12/2009 8:50:38 AM

8379 Posts
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He's a good guy and he knows what he's talking about.

Good video of him talking down some tea party protesters:

9/12/2009 9:08:36 AM

All American
7327 Posts
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quite a premature and unqualified claim

9/12/2009 9:27:53 AM

All American
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^^ I think a lot of the anger of the "Tea Party" crowd is the fact that they get the impression that their elected officials aren't listening to them. Senator Franken obviously does this, and I think the fact that he engages with them intelligently instead of spouting talking points and calling his constituents names *cough*party leadership*cough* goes a long way. He is also the first politician I've seen bring up the Swiss plan so +1 for that.

On the other hand, I heard he makes fun of elderly women who work in senate offices

9/12/2009 9:58:41 AM

23634 Posts
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he didn't make fun of her, he made fun of her boss

that's funny

9/12/2009 11:24:42 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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I thought the microphone wire to his mouth was a mark from the Sharpie.

9/12/2009 7:14:54 PM

not dnl
13193 Posts
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i guess i'll be that guy that says he knew franken would do a good job if he got elected

9/14/2009 2:31:45 AM

All American
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I'm really starting to enjoy having Franken in DC. Not in a "oh the comedian exposing the joke that is congress" kinda way, but in the "why the hell aren't the rest of the senators doing that?" kinda way.

9/23/2009 10:01:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Kris looked flustered and mumbled that “this is surreal,” apparently referring to having to respond to Franken’s question. “I would defer to the other branch of government,” he said, referring to the courts, prompting Franken to interject: “I know what that is.”

Kris explained that the courts have held that the law’s requirements that the person be described, though not named, is sufficient to meet the demands of the Constitution. That did not appear to completely satisfy Franken’s concerns."
Fucking A+ for Franken.

I think the "this is surreal" comment is telling. While many people want to believe that the government has our best interests in mind, we tend to forget that in the vast bureaucracy that truly makes up the federal government, are 14.6 million employees* whose primary concern is the extension of their career with little care for you as a citizen or the Constitution.

* as of 2006

9/23/2009 10:35:31 PM

All American
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One of the replies mentioned a theory about why Kris made the "this is surreal" comment. He's written against the roving wiretaps, but the courts upheld them and as an officer of the DoJ he has to go with what the courts tell him.

So hearing it come from Franken probably would feel a little surreal.

Quote :
"Kris attracted significant public attention when he released a 23-page legal memorandum, in his personal capacity, sharply criticizing the George W. Bush administration's legal argument that it had authority to conduct warrantless domestic wiretapping due to the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists passed by Congress on September 18, 2001. [2] [3] [4] Law professor Marty Lederman called Kris's memo "by a large measure the most thorough and careful -- and, for those reasons, the most devastating -- critique anyone has offered of the DOJ argument that Congress statutorily authorized the NSA program." [5] He also makes shorter arguments regarding the Fourth Amendment implications of the warrantless domestic spying and the administration's "unitary executive theory" of Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution. Kris wrote the memorandum in January 2006, and released it to journalists on March 8, 2006. Kris had also exchanged a series of emails with Courtney Elwood, an associate counsel to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, debating the legal arguments, which were released by the Electronic Privacy Information Center after obtaining them under the Freedom of Information Act. [6]"

Doesn't mean it was any less fun of a moment. If anything causing the conflict between "this is me doing my job" and "this is vindication for what I've been saying for years" had to be messing with Kris's head.

9/23/2009 10:39:32 PM

All American
14039 Posts
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Quote :
"we tend to forget that in the vast bureaucracy that truly makes up the federal government, are 14.6 million employees* whose primary concern is the extension of their career with little care for you as a citizen or the Constitution."

give me a fucking break man. you think 14.6 million federal employees have some sway over government policy and your rights? are you insane?

and what a bunch of assholes they are, right? being concerned about their careers. those sons of bitches.

[Edited on September 23, 2009 at 11:04 PM. Reason : .]

9/23/2009 11:04:05 PM

23634 Posts
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I'm happy to see Franken getting some respect. Everyone thought he'd come in and be the comedian from SNL but he seriously wanted to be a Senator to serve the people and do what he thought was in their best interest.

9/23/2009 11:18:58 PM

supple anteater
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Since Boone is "only" All American, I thought I'd make his clip a little easier to access:

We had one of those white boards with the states drawn on at our election night party, and I saw it done & even with a map at hand that isn't a quick or easy thing to do.

9/23/2009 11:29:36 PM

not dnl
13193 Posts
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just talked to my coworker about frankin tonight. told him about the bill franken brought in his first like week etc that got passed with bipartisan support etc

9/23/2009 11:29:59 PM

148488 Posts
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one of my friends fucked his daughter

9/24/2009 12:03:57 AM

All American
1515 Posts
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so did ludacris

9/24/2009 1:15:27 AM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :
"One of the replies mentioned a theory about why Kris made the "this is surreal" comment. He's written against the roving wiretaps, but the courts upheld them and as an officer of the DoJ he has to go with what the courts tell him."

Quote :
"give me a fucking break man. you think 14.6 million federal employees have some sway over government policy and your rights? are you insane?

and what a bunch of assholes they are, right? being concerned about their careers. those sons of bitches."
They're not assholes, they're simply acting in their own self interest. That is to be expected of people. However, when government bureaucracy creates a self-sustaining voter group through grants, contracts, and employment, it will tend to largess, which is exactly what is happening here.

Do you think the average DEA agent cares that he is costing taxpayers millions of dollars and untold human suffering by perpetuating the un-winnable war on drugs? Do you think the average defense contractor is going to oppose the war in Iraq or the invasion of Kuwait, or Panama, or Grenada, or Kosovo? You don't think that both of these groups are going to actively support candidates which employ them?

Do you really think that 14.6 million people acting in their own self interest won't have an influence on the direction of policy in Washington DC?

9/24/2009 9:43:31 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Yeah, al-Franken's not a partisan at all.

9/24/2009 10:03:03 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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did someone claim that he wasn't?

9/24/2009 10:10:10 AM

All American
3666 Posts
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"Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot" isn't a sentiment felt by any republicans?

9/24/2009 10:10:57 AM

All American
14880 Posts
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^^^only partisans would think that Rush is an idiot....

[Edited on September 24, 2009 at 10:27 AM. Reason : .]

9/24/2009 10:11:13 AM

All American
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^^^ The OP appeared to be elevating Franken above the level of partisan to me:

Quote :
"Doesn't get the respect he deserves.

The guy's a policy wonk."

Perhaps I was mistaken. Perhaps Boone admires Franken's partisanship and approves of it.

^^ I don't know--I don't speak for Republicans. I haven't seen such a book title coming from any of them, though.

^ So ad homs are totally cool now? Good to know.

[Edited on September 24, 2009 at 10:14 AM. Reason : .]

9/24/2009 10:13:06 AM

All American
14208 Posts
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perhaps franken sees a difference in how he should behave as a senator and as a satirist.

9/24/2009 10:19:52 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ And perhaps not.

9/24/2009 10:25:29 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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hooksaw is ruining the soap box.

9/24/2009 10:27:54 AM

All American
14880 Posts
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Franken is a democrat
Rush says some of the most outrageous and controversial things
He is encouraged in private by many republicans
Franken calls them out publicly
He is labeled a partisan

does not compute

9/24/2009 10:29:42 AM

All American
41050 Posts
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If he's right and it happens to coincide with the viewpoint of a particular side then it's considered partisan?

I just thought it was being right.

9/24/2009 10:33:12 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"^^^ And perhaps not."

[Edited on September 24, 2009 at 10:34 AM. Reason : .]

9/24/2009 10:33:34 AM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :
"perhaps franken sees a difference in how he should behave as a senator and as a satirist."
I think that is the case. I get the impression that he takes his oath more seriously than many of the more senior Senators.

And, while mocking someone's girth is perhaps questionable Rush Limbaugh is certainly an idiot.

9/24/2009 4:59:11 PM

All American
5237 Posts
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That was quite the non sequitur, hooksaw.


1. One can't be both knowledgable and partisan? These days it isn't all that tough to be both knowledgable and anti-Republican. Even Rebublicans refuse to call themselves Republicans.

2. Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot was clearly meant to be ironic; it coopting Rush's own tactics. And regarding the lack of similar books on the right-- Was Coulter just joshing us when she named her book Treason? What about Levin's Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

9/25/2009 8:10:01 PM

All American
41050 Posts
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A nice win for Al Franken and women who get raped by government contractors yesterday.

Although it still doesn't explain why 30 Republicans felt that victims of rape don't deserve to have their case go to the courts.

EDIT: It's kind of interesting to see the comedian from Minnesota Franken coming into DC and actually being an okay politician, meanwhile the 9 year politician from Minnesota Bachmann is providing all the comic relief.

[Edited on October 7, 2009 at 7:06 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2009 7:01:37 PM

76471 Posts
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I cannot fathom what on earth would make anyone vote against this.

Except, maybe, misplaced loyalty and notions of accountability.

Senators who voted no:
Alexander (R-TN)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Kyl (R-AZ)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)

I already knew I disliked Burr and had good reason to not want him as a senator, and he just keeps adding to the list of reasons.

Given the non-political coverage this is getting, I'm hoping this vote costs at least one of these fuckers re-election.

10/7/2009 8:42:01 PM

All American
41050 Posts
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Oh, I'm sure that more than one state will be seeing ads about how "X Senator supports rape as long as no corporations get hurt."

We'll see how effective they are, and how much complaining occurs because of them.

10/7/2009 10:03:08 PM

23634 Posts
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There are a TON of amendments added to the bill. I'm reading through them now and some of them have nothing to do with what Franken put forward.

For example:

Quote :

Quote :
"Funding for Two-Stage Ground-Based Interceptor Missile.--Of the amounts appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act for a long-range missile defense system in Europe, or appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for a long-range missile defense system in Europe from the Consolidated Security Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2009 (Public Law 110-329) and available for obligation, $151,000,000 shall be available for research, development, test, and evaluation of the two-stage ground-based interceptor missile. "

Quote :
"In collaboration with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State shall develop a plan for replacing private security contractors with United States Government personnel within one year after the date of the enactment of this Act at United States missions in war zones where the United States Armed Forces are engaged in combat operations."

I hadn't read through of them, but that's some of the odd ones....

10/7/2009 10:35:34 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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^^^this was from last month, but it seems to fall in the same realm of treatment towards women

Quote :
"This was covered already in Blue South's excellent post, but it bears repeating, again and again and again and again. Here's the sad story:

"... an amendment was introduced ... that would have forced insurance companies to stop ignoring state laws that provided protection for victims of domestic violence, specifically when it came to denying them insurance coverage. Ten Republican Senators voted against it, including Senators Alexander, Burr, Ensign, Enzi, Frist, Gregg, Hatch, Isakson, Roberts and Sessions." "

One person running for office responded:

Quote :
"pre-existing condition insult
Submitted by cjmalone on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 3:37pm.

Literally, this adds insult to injury.

I strongly support abolishing the right of insurance companies to declare domestic abuse as a pre-existing condition. I'm ready to file a bill to the contrary as soon as I can as a senator in the N. C. Senate.

Charles Malone,
Candidate for Democratic nomination
to the N. C. State Senate, Dist. 15

Charles Malone

10/7/2009 10:36:01 PM

All American
41050 Posts
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Burr seems to have been showing his ass a lot lately. Do we have any good comedians who can reasonably say they've lived in NC at some point that we can get to run for office down here?

Perhaps Lewis Black? He's got a residence in Chapel Hill and went to college there so he's got a better claim to being from NC than Elizabeth Dole did when she came back after 40 years out-of-state.

10/7/2009 10:42:30 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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^here is a list of the people who actually are going to be running against him:

10/7/2009 10:44:18 PM

All American
41050 Posts
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Thusfar none of them inspire leaps of confidence, but that's mostly a name-recognition thing. I'm sure that given time one might step forward with the ability to beat Burr.

But he won't be as funny.

Seriously, Lewis Black, the only knock against him is that as an ethnically Jewish Athiest he's pretty much the worst nightmare of most NC Republicans and religious-conservative Democrats.

10/7/2009 10:48:32 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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^at least one of the candidates has Lewis in his name

10/10/2009 12:18:46 AM

All American
11792 Posts
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10/10/2009 12:33:15 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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^instead of Hagan, or instead of Burr?

10/15/2009 1:31:02 PM

All American
43412 Posts
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Quote :
"EDIT: It's kind of interesting to see the comedian from Minnesota Franken coming into DC and actually being an okay politician, meanwhile the 9 year politician from Minnesota Bachmann is providing all the comic relief."

I've only heard/seen good things about Bachmann so could you give me some instances please? (I'm not being sarcastic).

10/15/2009 1:48:56 PM

All American
34156 Posts
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2:10 for the first video

2:50 for the second video

2:45 for the third video

[Edited on October 15, 2009 at 2:05 PM. Reason : ]

10/15/2009 2:01:19 PM

8379 Posts
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"In support of a constitutional amendment she proposed to ban same-sex marriage, Bachmann said that the gay community was specifically targeting children and that "our children...are the prize for this community." Bachmann has said that people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender suffer from "sexual dysfunction" and "sexual identity disorders." Appearing on the radio program Prophetic View In The News to promote her 2004 state capitol rally against same-sex marriage, Bachmann said that "God calls us to fall on our faces and our knees and cry out to Him and confess our sins. And I would just ask your listeners to do that now. Cry out to a Holy God.""

"Says in dealing with Iran, diplomacy "is our option," but that other options, including a nuclear strike, shouldn't be taken off the table."

"Bachmann supports the teaching of intelligent design in public school science classes. During a 2003 interview on KKMS Christian radio program "Talk The Walk", Bachmann said that evolution is a theory that has never been proven, one way or the other. She co-authored a bill that would require public schools to include alternative explanations for the origin of life as part of the state's public school science curricula. In October 2006, Bachmann told a debate audience in St. Cloud, Minnesota, that “there is a controversy among scientists about whether evolution is a fact or not...There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.”

"Bachmann introduced the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act, to repeal the nationwide, government-mandated phase-out of conventional light bulbs in favor of compact fluorescent light bulbs."


10/15/2009 2:08:35 PM

All American
43412 Posts
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^^I can't watch videos at work

^okay, that are pretty stupid.


Quote :
""Bachmann introduced the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act, to repeal the nationwide, government-mandated phase-out of conventional light bulbs in favor of compact fluorescent light bulbs.""

I see no problem with this. A gov't mandate for a more expensive option to something that works perfectly fine is dumb. If there are better options let them fade away naturally.

10/15/2009 4:03:47 PM

8379 Posts
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They're actually much cheaper in the long run because they last 8-15x longer and use 20-33% of the power.

Quote :
"A household that invested $90 in changing 30 fixtures to CFLs would save $440 to $1,500 over the five-year life of the bulbs, depending on your cost of electricity. "

For some reason people just aren't buying them.

[Edited on October 15, 2009 at 5:55 PM. Reason : .]

10/15/2009 5:54:44 PM

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