nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
you're motherfucking oldschool
god I'm old 9/7/2009 1:33:47 AM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
1998 was the only year I went that they didn't have a policemen standing every 5 feet along the side of the road. 9/7/2009 9:39:01 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
1998 9/7/2009 10:37:24 AM
AttackLax All American 2304 Posts user info edit post |
1998-2000 but 98 was the only real one...for shame 9/7/2009 12:34:22 PM
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
99 9/7/2009 3:12:55 PM
Queti All American 13537 Posts user info edit post |
98-99 9/7/2009 3:23:30 PM
Chop All American 6271 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "1998 was the only year I went that they didn't have a policemen standing every 5 feet along the side of the road." |
this was the time when i really began to understand what the government was really all about. 9/7/2009 4:05:04 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
so sad i missed it  9/7/2009 4:43:18 PM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, unintentionally scheduled my visit to NC State my senior year of high school during Brent road weekend. Kinda knew I wanted to go here anyways but had no idea what to expect... that was 1994... been to them every year I was in college except my senior year when they really go retarded about it. so 1994-1998 9/7/2009 4:52:28 PM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
do the college kids even know about brent rd now?! 9/7/2009 5:35:24 PM
Neil Street All American 3067 Posts user info edit post |
Present. 9/7/2009 6:06:31 PM
raven928 All American 21318 Posts user info edit post |
1994 was my first brent road party. I was a senior in high school 9/7/2009 6:28:09 PM
Raine34 All American 513 Posts user info edit post |
My car got searched in 2000 driving down avent ferry on the way to gorman.... 9/7/2009 7:07:25 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "do the college kids even know about brent rd now?!" |
Sadly I don:t think so. 9/7/2009 8:12:05 PM
Wolfood98 All American 2684 Posts user info edit post |
Fall of 1998 and it was one of the best god damn decisions of my college career!! Too bad it ended after that and the incoming class this year wont know the awesomeness which was "Brentroad Experience"..ahh good times!! 9/7/2009 9:41:50 PM
Queti All American 13537 Posts user info edit post |
^ i know right. definitely was a decision i was glad to have made  9/7/2009 10:41:53 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
I, too, started college in the fall of 1998, and I, too, raged my face off on Brent Road. 9/7/2009 11:43:39 PM
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post |
i lived on brent road.
started in 97 9/7/2009 11:56:14 PM
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
those of you saying 98 was the last year, how do you figure? 99 was just as nuts if not more so. 00 was the big clamp down... 9/8/2009 12:35:14 AM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
what year was it when they pretty much shut it down, then we had the sneak reattack the next weekend?
[Edited on September 8, 2009 at 12:47 AM. Reason : i think that was '99. ] 9/8/2009 12:46:39 AM
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
pretty sure that was 00... i know for sure 99 was crazy, because that was my freshman year. there were cops there, but they weren't doing shit hardly but running the checkpoint. the entire street was packed, you could hardly walk around. 9/8/2009 1:04:34 AM
DonMega Save TWW 4216 Posts user info edit post |
2000 was the year they sent out letters to everyone's parents saying that your child would be suspended if they were caught at the party 9/8/2009 10:26:34 AM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Sadly I don:t think so." |
nah, they don't. my cousin lives on brent road now and had no clue whatsoever about it. 9/8/2009 11:30:03 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
96 was my first, 97 was probably the best. 99 I got an open container ticket when I stepped out of my friend's yard and into the street by accident.
Ticket got thrown out of court, but Paul Cousins still nailed my ass to the wall.
[Edited on September 8, 2009 at 12:54 PM. Reason : a] 9/8/2009 12:53:37 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
i went once freshman year. that was enough. 9/8/2009 1:23:33 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "2000 was the year they sent out letters to everyone's parents saying that your child would be suspended if they were caught at the party
" |
Quote : | "Ticket got thrown out of court, but Paul Cousins still nailed my ass to the wall.
" |
How did NCSU get away with this? 9/8/2009 1:40:18 PM
AttackLax All American 2304 Posts user info edit post |
99 was the first year they started to have the massive police presence there. They still let us party, but it wasnt the same b/c the number of police was insane. IIRC, you could drink on the lawns and in the houses, but if you stepped on the sidewalk with a beer, you got busted. 98 was the last year that you could do whatever the hell you wanted.
Fuck that county commissioner that moved into the top of brent road and fucked the party. 9/8/2009 1:58:58 PM
raven928 All American 21318 Posts user info edit post |
I rode down brent this weekend. i love that the signs are still up. i wonder if the kids wonder why they are the only street that has those big weird ass enforcement signs. 9/8/2009 2:04:50 PM
Drovkin All American 8438 Posts user info edit post |
Never went, but was around when it was in the main stream
when I want to check out TWW, I still go to 9/8/2009 2:59:12 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
^^ what do the signs say? 9/8/2009 4:13:43 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "How did NCSU get away with this?" |
Well the way it was explained to me went something like this: NCSU has it's own code of conduct, and it is not dependent upon the Wake County court system. Even though i was drinking off campus, and the event took place off campus, Paul Cousins deemed it to be an NCSU event. He compared it to getting an open container or underage drinking ticket while tailgating at a football game.
Basically, Paul Cousins said he could care less if Wake County found me guilty or not, just the fact that I was even ticketed for it was enough to break his "code of conduct". So I had to take an alcohol class, do 30 hours of community service (stacking books in the library), and write a 2 page essay explaining what I learned from the whole experience. God I wish I still had that essay, because I went the fuck off in it. 9/8/2009 4:22:39 PM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
97,98,99 9/8/2009 8:31:59 PM
ssjamind All American 30102 Posts user info edit post |
(graduated high school in 96)
man i was so cool back then! 9/8/2009 11:23:43 PM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "My car got searched in 2000 driving down avent ferry Gorman on the way to gorman 440...." |
9/9/2009 6:34:13 PM
Sonia All American 14028 Posts user info edit post |
My parents lived there. I put myself through middle school turning in cans for nickels. 9/9/2009 10:20:26 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "what year was it when they pretty much shut it down, then we had the sneak reattack the next weekend?" |
2001. I and a couple of my buddies (with a little help from student govt. in the form of mass-emails) were behind it. 9/9/2009 11:12:22 PM
Wolfood98 All American 2684 Posts user info edit post |
For those of you that didnt experience Brent Road Ill give you a small sampling of my one and only grand experience of the awesomeness that is Brent Road.
-I invited friends from ECU and UNC, and my suite mates from Carol Hall, so I was in a group of like 15-18 folks....and literally we ran into folks from WVU, NYU, every school in the NC system public and private, if I ahd to guess there had to be over 20,000 folks crowded on this one long ass street..people were inviting folks into their homes to drink booze, shoot the shit(talk for you lame folks), each house had a different sound blasting from the front porch or 2nd story balcony. Random girls were flashing folks while they were being carried around on their bf or gf knecks, I got randomnly groped by girls and guys alike(and liked them all), one literally could not meet a stranger that night. Their was this one cool group who were down from NYU & Boston College and they were medical/law students who had heard about Brentroad online and wanted to check out the party live for themselves.
Think of the movie "Animal House" and multiply that by 18,000 to 20,000 people. One of my lady friends had to use the restrooom, and she a complete stranger who lived on Brentoad let us use his bathroom and offered us food on the way out and we returned the favor by leaving $$ for booze on his counter even though we didnt have to.
I really hate it that this kick ass college experience got taken away...b/c I cant tell you guys how glad I was to have chosen to come to State over UNC, ECU, App. St, and UC just had to fucking be there!!!!
Im curious to hear about some other folks experiences..I have some other ones to tell but they arent exactly G-rated.....thank God for that one kick ass experience!! 9/9/2009 11:53:44 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
^ sounds about right
^^ I never could figure out how word got around to, like, 10,000 students...without the cops or NCSU getting tipped off. 9/10/2009 12:27:48 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, first we walked up and down brent road knocking on doors informing the residents of the plans, I don't remember anyone not getting on board. Then we got the mailing list from student govt and basically spammed the shit out of everyone. it got forwarded outside of campus, and i remember actually getting the forward back from friends at UNC and ECU informing me of the sneak attack party.
I don't know how, but neither cops nor NCSU administration ever got wind of it. I remember the day of the "original" party, no one showed up except for hundreds of cops standing around like idiots. Then the following weekend shit got crazy, and the cops didn't have the manpower to do shit about it.
But after that it still declined every year until it finally died a few years later. 9/10/2009 7:48:18 AM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
OK, so if 2001 was the sneak attack, that means that 2000 was the first year they started cracking down, which means that 1999 was the last year it was really in full effect, other than the sneak attack party itself.
[Edited on September 10, 2009 at 6:43 PM. Reason : I heard they spent a couple hundred thousand every year to stop it for the first couple of years] 9/10/2009 6:42:42 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Actually, I think it would have to have been 2000, because it was when I was a fifth year senior. 2001 would have made me a sixth year senior, and I had too much real life shit going on to have gotten involved with this. 9/10/2009 9:35:59 PM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
Speaking of the money and manpower expended to shut down the brentroad party, the cop who searched my car in 2000 was brought in from Wilkes County. 9/11/2009 12:42:42 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
yep, 2000 was full bore as well but folks definitely got hauled off...
[Edited on October 2, 2009 at 5:51 PM. Reason : s] 10/2/2009 5:50:43 PM
RedGuard All American 5596 Posts user info edit post |
1997 & 1998. Had fun with the checkpoints.  10/3/2009 1:23:33 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
i went to my share of brent rd. parties
though i caught the tail end of it all 10/8/2009 6:24:43 AM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
i've thrown up a few times on brent road
but it wasn't related to the famous brentroad parties 10/8/2009 5:05:33 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148898 Posts user info edit post |
i DD'd in like 2000 just to check it out...went through the license check, all good...then some stupid ass fuck in front of me IN THE LICENSE CHECK LINE, BACKS INTO MY CAR...brilliant move to do in front of the cops 10/8/2009 5:15:20 PM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
1999, last year before they started the crackdown.
First and last time I've ever had a Michelob light. 10/8/2009 5:19:54 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
one year after they started really clamping down on it (and being somewhat successful, though not particularly cost-effective), and friend of mine and I went out there with our pockets full of IBC root beers (in brown glass bottles)...we'd just walk up and down the sidewalks drinking them.
Every time the cops would hassle us, we'd be like "AH HA. I got you good, you fucker!"
Then we'd offer him a donut (which we'd also brought along with us).
One of them thought it was pretty funny...the rest were kinda butthurt by it. 10/8/2009 7:35:47 PM
EMCE balls deep 89904 Posts user info edit post |
post 10/8/2009 7:41:52 PM