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 Message Boards » » mods are supposed to suspend outside their area? Page [1]  
All American
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BobbyDigital just made me aware of the fact that he and all the other mods are actually supposed to moderate ALL of TWW, not just their section...i wasn't aware of this, and so i thought, maybe, we could just make a giant mods list and not say which mods are "in" each section

after all, getting suspended by a tech talk mod for something in chit chat seemed kind of strange to me, until i got this from dear old bobby:

Quote :
"And I don't know where you got the idea that tech talk is the only area I have a right to police. That's just some made up garbage that someone once came up with."

also, FWIW, the single (as in, only posted once in the entire section) offending post was the image below, posted in the GroupWise (message_topic.aspx?topic=569456) thread:

[Edited on June 30, 2009 at 8:47 AM. Reason : i hope this image doesn't get me suspended again, as it HAS been posted before ]

6/30/2009 8:43:07 AM

68205 Posts
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we can suspend anyone at any time in any section.

i dont even understand why you made this thread because its not like this hasnt been discussed

eleventydozen times.

6/30/2009 8:50:39 AM

All American
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as a general rule, i don't hang out in the feedback forum...i know that i probably piss you off more than any other mod, but i generally feel like you're fair (not that you need my approval)

a 3-day suspension by a mod for posting something in a section that they're not a mod of (or so i thought) at MIDNIGHT on a SATURDAY when tww was practically empty just screams of "i'm bored and i'm angry at life, and so i'm going to be a powertripping douchebag"

bobby doesn't exactly have a hard section to moderate...i think it bothers him that, for the most part, he doesn't get good reasons to suspend anyone

[Edited on June 30, 2009 at 8:54 AM. Reason : i suppose, though, that the image is appropriate for this thread, as well]

6/30/2009 8:53:20 AM

balls deep
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I'm going to just assume I accidentally missed the part where you explain that you posted that .gif in most of the threads in chit chat the other night. We all know you would never try to leave out info. like that... I apologize in advance for misreading.

6/30/2009 9:25:01 AM

All American
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as well you should...i didn't leave out the info, as i specifically said my confusion was related to a TECH TALK mod suspending me for a CHIT CHAT offense (the "offense" is borderline at best, but i try not to whine TOO much when a bored mod gets on a power trip as they are wont to do towards people who don't lick their boots)

EMCE, it's cool...i know you're a stupid son of a bitch, and i don't at all hold it against you that you have difficulty understanding simple ideas (you know, like the whole point of this thread...the concept is easy, but i know you struggle with even simple concepts )

[Edited on June 30, 2009 at 9:59 AM. Reason : ..]

6/30/2009 9:56:28 AM

All American
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I know gunzz likes to consolidate feedback threads

Maybe he can just make a WAAHHHHHH I JUST GOT SUSPENDED I'M GOING TO BITCH ABOUT IT thread or something

6/30/2009 10:19:09 AM

balls deep
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Thanks for your understanding.

It's funny how even us simple folk know not to shit all over everything just cause they think mom and dad aren't looking, huh?

6/30/2009 10:22:21 AM

Thots and Prayers
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threads like this are sure to accomplish whatever it is you're trying to do.

6/30/2009 10:34:15 AM

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i like ice cream

do you quag?

6/30/2009 10:49:53 AM

All American
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since NO suggestion is EVER truly considered by the powers that be, the feedback forum is a complete and utter waste of time...but insofar as any other suggestion is considered, perhaps i should reiterate the first line (since none of you are capable of reading comprehension...or maybe you stopped when you saw letters formed into words?)

Quote :
"BobbyDigital just made me aware of the fact that he and all the other mods are actually supposed to moderate ALL of TWW, not just their section...i wasn't aware of this, and so i thought, maybe, we could just make a giant mods list and not say which mods are "in" each section"

i was under the impression that mods were supposed to moderate their sections, but since they can and do suspend for perceived offenses that are not in their area at all, perhaps we should eliminate the confusion and just make a giant mods list, so that everyone knows specifically whose ass they must kiss in order not to be suspended

additionally, it would be nice if there was some way for people to know they're doing something that's against imaginary rules (unless the one i supposedly broke is listed somewhere?) BEFORE they get suspended, but i realize that would take effort on the part of the mod and certain mods can't be bothered because that would diminish the power trip (i mean, after all, what fun is it if you TELL someone that they're doing something you don't LIKE?)

another suggestions is this: how about a way for suspended users to contact the collective mod list to at least find out WHY they were suspended? we all know it would be more efficient if the mod would just tell them, but as noted, several of the mods feel that such things are beneath them...our dear bobby thought 3 days was a "fair" amount of "punishment" for the whole thing...i'm quite sure it would have been longer, as that IS the kind of dick bobby likes to be when he's bored, but it seems that he suddenly remembered he was being a dick

[Edited on June 30, 2009 at 10:54 AM. Reason : ^ oh, man, absolutely...pistachio is my favorite at the moment ]

6/30/2009 10:53:30 AM

25083 Posts
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i blame 69 for trying to perpetuate this lame rumor

6/30/2009 10:54:35 AM

43669 Posts
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if i were a mod then i would get drunk and ban people for fun, especially ones that cry

whats your point?

6/30/2009 10:55:10 AM

All American
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^ so would i! which is why i'd make a horrible mod...i know and accept this fact

i don't get suspended often...mostly because the mods ARE decent people who, even though i'll talk trash about them when they deserve it (in my estimation), they don't (generally) hold grudges

in this case, though, bobby was being a dick, mostly because i call him out every time he tries to contribute some dumbass comment like he knows what the fuck he's talking about (usually outside of tech talk, since 1. he's the mod and temperamental, and 2. he generally knows what he's talking about in there)

[Edited on June 30, 2009 at 11:00 AM. Reason : .]

6/30/2009 10:58:40 AM

Thots and Prayers
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Quote :
"our dear bobby thought 3 days was a "fair" amount of "punishment" for the whole thing...i'm quite sure it would have been longer, as that IS the kind of dick bobby likes to be when he's bored, but it seems that he suddenly remembered he was being a dick"

dude, you really have a problem. I told you via PM that I had planned to free you the next day and even apologized for forgetting. Pull the bloody tampon out of your cunt.

It's just a website. You're acting as if I took away a significatn part of your life from you or something.

6/30/2009 11:18:19 AM

All American
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yeah, i've heard the "oh, i forgot!" bullshit from you before...not surprising, since you're usually a dick

of COURSE it's just a website...believe it or not, i can spend a few days away and be okay...were it not for the fact that i needed some information in my inbox, it would have been just fine (getting a note from you with a heads up that you're going to be a dick would have been nice, though...even gunzz, who has to put up with the most bullshit out of all of you, will send a PM saying "knock it off or you're in suspenders")

of course, the obvious reply is "don't be a douche and you won't be suspended"...and, certainly, had i realized that bobby was on his period and trolling through chit chat at midnight on saturday with a stick up his ass, i certainly would have been a good little poster so as not to offend his delicate sensibilities

my point, though, is that perhaps the site info should be modified to make note of the fact that the mods in each section aren't actually the mods in each section...they are arbitrarily assigned to an area and then it is up to any of them - dependent on their mood, of course - whether or not they want to stroll through a forum on a power trip...people really should know that when a mod is in a bad mood, you HAVE to be nice to them no matter which section you're in

also, let's say bobby isn't a lying piece of shit on a power trip and he did just "forget"...since there's no ability for a user to contact the pissy mod with a "wtf, what did i do and when do i get out of suspenders?", it's a system that relies on people who (i assume) have other things to do...a more automated process with the fallback of actually getting a note to the suspending mod with a "hey, remember me?" makes sense

[Edited on June 30, 2009 at 11:28 AM. Reason : .]

6/30/2009 11:23:58 AM

balls deep
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Years ago....The year was 2000 I believe. I was nothing but a lowly freshman at NCSU. It happened to be storming that tuesday, but I was starving, so I went to fountain dining hall. I mistakingly tracked some water inside on the bottom of my shoes, which accumulated into a small puddle on the floor. Little did I know that the nefarious bobbydigital was standing behind me. He slipped in the puddle, and fell to the ground pretty hard. Since then, bobbydigital has OBVIOUSLY been trying to make my life a LIVING HELL!
I don't know if bobbydigital has any plans to suspend me....all I know is that if he does, his reason for suspending me can be traced back to this puddle incident that happened so many years ago. He's been holding this grudge for a long time....just waiting for me to slip up.

6/30/2009 11:47:11 AM

Thots and Prayers
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you're toast, buddy.

6/30/2009 12:45:01 PM

43669 Posts
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If I were a hot dog, Id eat myself

6/30/2009 1:44:06 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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It's good to see that quag spent his time off loading up on vag sand.

6/30/2009 2:54:32 PM

All American
13716 Posts
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Quote :
"It's just a website. You're acting as if I took away a significatn part of your life from you or something."

if quagmire were a paying user of the site, would that change your response?

6/30/2009 6:16:29 PM

25083 Posts
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Quote :
"also, let's say bobby isn't a lying piece of shit on a power trip and he did just "forget""

i'm sure he posted in the mod forum saying he accidentally forgot just to cover his ass in case you got whiny - because he cares about you : beatup:

Quote :
"if quagmire were a paying user of the site, would that change your response?"

mods don't see a dime of that money and i don't think a single mod is happy with nael right now so highly doubtful

6/30/2009 6:53:06 PM

All American
13716 Posts
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Quote :
"mods don't see a dime of that money and i don't think a single mod is happy with nael right now so highly doubtful"

i knew there was a good reason not to pay for premie... rewarding this kind of system seems wrong.

6/30/2009 7:08:41 PM

Fail Boat
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Wow, so you got the temp suspend for that single image?

6/30/2009 9:04:24 PM

not dnl
13193 Posts
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Quote :
"and i don't think a single mod is happy with nael right now so highly doubtful"

i wish mods would post stuff like that more often

6/30/2009 9:40:35 PM

32613 Posts
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gunzz does all the time

and i really can't believe he was suspended for that image unless i'm missing something. i don't like his ass either but damn

6/30/2009 10:04:37 PM

not dnl
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i've seen gunzz right like 2 snippy comments ever, but i wasnt aware the other mods didnt really like him either...the only time i can remember gunzz what gunzz said was when the egg hunt started and gunzz was like "THANKS FOR LETTING US KNOW NAEL!!"

6/30/2009 10:09:40 PM

15861 Posts
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Quote :
"i blame 69 for trying to perpetuate this lame rumor"

i think someone is suffering from a little sand in the giner, you should probably try washing it out

7/5/2009 6:56:34 PM

All American
7481 Posts
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why do we still have to be moderated buy CrazyJ's power tripping cronies if the site has been sold multiple times?

7/12/2009 2:32:01 PM

114673 Posts
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Quote :
"why do we still have to be moderated buy CrazyJ's power tripping cronies if the site has been sold multiple times?"

I have wondered that numerous times

if theduke wasn't around, I would have never been suspended

7/12/2009 2:35:42 PM

 Message Boards » Feedback Forum » mods are supposed to suspend outside their area? Page [1]  
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