1. PS2 (perfect working condition) with two controllers, one is aftermarket. Also comes with a PS2 remote. One scratch on the top from moving. $45 (sale pending)2. PSP games/movies. $5 a piece of $20 for all of them. I only have the original case for SWAT, but can give two other random cases. You can get blank PSP cases at any game resale place. (PM if you want pics)Click (movie)Triple XXX (movie) Brunswick Pro Bowling (game)Medal of Honor Heroes (game)SWAT: Target Liberty (game)3. Philips DVD Player (don't have a picture of). Model # DVP642/37. Works just fine. Not 100% sure where the remote it, might find it, might not. Either way i'm only asking $10 for it. 4. iPod Mini armband, never used. It is this one: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.superwarehouse.com/images/products/ipodMiniArmGrey.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.superwarehouse.com/Apple_iPod_mini_Armband,_Grey/M9838G_A/p/729845&usg=__iodMnCF7XutyzviaxGSi1Jp3msY=&h=220&w=220&sz=8&hl=en&start=37&sig2=BuhYkU5re06CsiLpQwe2Lg&tbnid=rdbBxe5kS6HI1M:&tbnh=107&tbnw=107&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dipod%2Barmband%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D36&ei=TeARSruMH5SU9gTCs-0s $55. MonteCristo Churchill Humidor. Been used for maybe a year, dark brown mahogany color that utilizes a "Dry Mistat" device for humidifying. Perfect condition. I'll throw in a brand new, still in the tube Macanudo Portofino with purchase. My camera battery is dead, but it comes with the yellow box pictured here: http://www.bigchiefcigars.com/bmz_cache/9/9aeb825bb84e21da179be60195256eaf.image.120x120.jpg and looks exactly like this minus the temperature gauge on the lid. It has a removable top tray. I'll try to get pics up tonight or tomorrow. http://www.whisky-cigars.co.uk/images/imagecache/Angelo-plain-cherry-humidor-1.jpg6. Mini Fridge. It's clean, it works quite well and is quiet. $30. 7. Old School Television. Picture is fine, works perfectly, it's just big. $25 8. $42 gift card to Books-A-Million (if any of you tards read). Returned a big and only got a gift card with that amount back. $30 and it's yours.
5/18/2009 7:00:23 PM
$1 on 5
5/19/2009 12:05:23 AM
how big is the tv? I'll buy the DVD player if you find the remote.
5/19/2009 12:30:33 AM
I'll go measure the TV today...my guess would be 32". I'll also dig around for the remote today, it's got to be in one of the boxes I haven't unpacked.
5/19/2009 10:00:06 AM
ps2 sold
5/19/2009 10:04:11 AM
I will give you $25 for the gift card[Edited on May 19, 2009 at 10:16 AM. Reason : -]
5/19/2009 10:16:02 AM
gift card sold
5/19/2009 3:24:35 PM
Min you'll take for the mini fridge?
5/19/2009 3:38:03 PM
$25 and its yours.
5/19/2009 3:43:25 PM
remote for dvd player located
5/19/2009 4:35:46 PM
5/20/2009 7:44:54 PM