7'6" feet long, 3'2" tall, and 3' wide.http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3307/3523733354_f2a9d3103e_b.jpgThere's a small rip on the bottom left as you can see in the picture. Otherwise it's in good shape, no stains or other rips. Kinda ugly, but it's free for anyone who wants to come pick it up. We have to be out by Friday the 15th. I live off of Gorman close to campus.
5/11/2009 6:16:56 PM
no one has ever had sex on it
5/11/2009 8:09:04 PM
It's on TWW.We know.
5/12/2009 12:04:35 AM
5/12/2009 12:37:50 AM
BTTLast chance. Going to chuck it. Nice couch too.
5/13/2009 2:20:07 PM
might be comfy, but it's ugly as sin
5/13/2009 2:25:49 PM
haha yeah it is pretty ugly.
5/13/2009 2:50:13 PM
i've got a pretty ugly loveseat/couch combo sitting in my living room right now, too, so i don't have any room to talk
5/13/2009 2:52:27 PM