I'm thinking about applying for the Vaughn Towers Suite attendant job for the upcoming football season in the fall so I can get a little extra money. Anybody have any experience doing it before?
4/24/2009 1:33:25 PM
they get really pissed if they even catch you glancing at the football gameand the rich rednecks who sit in the Towers are prick assholes and they treat you like shitbut aside from that, it was a decent job
4/24/2009 2:52:36 PM
sounds like a pretty suite job!
4/24/2009 3:07:49 PM
nyuck nyuck nyuckok thanks for the advice, I think I'll try and do it.
4/24/2009 3:58:58 PM
4/24/2009 4:18:46 PM
I'd steer clearI heard you had to give the alumni footjobs at halftime
4/24/2009 4:39:01 PM
I thought about it last year, and decided I was over-qualified with the catering experience I have. The pay wasn't enough to keep me interested.
4/24/2009 6:57:15 PM
i know a few people who do that. you have to work pretty much EVERY GAME, so if you're a ncsu football fan at all you better have someone dvr the games for you because you wont get to watch much.
4/25/2009 3:45:12 PM