I'm wondering if somebody can point me to a "how-to" guide on writing a Java application to make an XML (http POST) call?I've found TONS of information for a Javascript, but I'm looking to write an app.
4/14/2009 2:56:49 PM
http://www.exampledepot.com/egs/java.net/Post.htmlthats a real basic http post in java. And heres a more specific post of xml http://users.skynet.be/pascalbotte/rcx-ws-doc/xmlpost.htmnot to be a total dick but these were the first google results for 'java http post' and 'java http post xml' respectively.If you're dealing with SOAP there are like a hundred different frameworks for making it really retarded easy to handle in java.
4/14/2009 3:03:09 PM
I guess my problem was I was searching on "java xml" and other combinations.Either way, thanks for the reference!
4/17/2009 9:48:10 AM