Do any of you know where to find the recipe for those chocolate covered peanut butter or coconut Easter eggs? They are usually sold by churches as a fundraiser.I'm talking about the ones that are usually $1 a pop, and wrapped in either pink or purple foil wrapping.I've been searching online for about 15-20 minutes and can't come up with anything, and of course if you ask any church that sells them they refuse to tell you.I have no desire to sell them, only to make them at other points in the year to give to friends/family.
4/14/2009 12:51:17 PM
Dang, I just got one yesterday that my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend's mom made. I'll see if I can get the recipe from her.
4/14/2009 2:40:22 PM
4/14/2009 2:54:59 PM
that's one of the recipes I found as well, but thought it was strange it wasn't cooked with raw eggs
4/14/2009 3:12:14 PM
I think it failed to mention "salmonella free" eggs.
4/14/2009 3:25:34 PM
meh, add a bit of alcohol to it and you'll be fine
4/14/2009 3:27:13 PM
^^^^i fail to see why you chose to only quote that
4/14/2009 3:46:14 PM
i thought the gubment released a report saying eggs were safe to eat raw now.
4/14/2009 6:38:09 PM
Die Eier von SatanEine halbe Tasse StaubzuckerEin Viertel Teelöffel SalzEine Messerspitze türkisches HaschischEin halbes Pfund ButterEin Teelöffel VanillenzuckerEin halbes Pfund MehlEinhundertfünfzig Gramm gemahlene NüsseEin wenig extra Staubzucker... und keine EierIn eine Schüssel gebenButter einrührenGemahlene Nüsse zugeben undDen Teig verknetenAugenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formenI'm Staubzucker wälzen undSagt die ZauberwörterSimsalbimbamba Saladu SaladimAuf ein gefettetes Backblech legen undBei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen undKEINE EIERBei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen undKeine Eier...
4/15/2009 10:50:36 PM
4/16/2009 12:11:14 AM
Geez what church would refuse to give you the recipe?
4/16/2009 12:49:16 AM