Sorry, the search feature is not being very good to me...hopefully this is not a duplicate thread.I graduated in December and my unity e-mail has yet to expire. Does this mean I can still log on with my unity ID in the computer labs, or does this expire sooner? Thanks for anyone that can clear this up.
2/10/2009 11:57:56 PM
I too graduated in December, got this, been too lazy to delete anything lately:
2/11/2009 12:14:26 AM
I graduated in December as well. I don't have remote access to the eos labs anymore, so I'm guessing you can't log in on lab machines.
2/11/2009 6:36:06 PM
I graduated in May, and while I'm not sure if you can log onto the computers, I could login to MyPack to get my tax information. So I'd say there is a slight chance you can.
2/12/2009 4:45:48 PM
I graduated December 1998 but I no longer have access to my unity account
2/13/2009 11:52:01 AM