Atlantis Swim School is hiring several positions for swim instructors for the upcoming sessions Spring/Summer 2009. Looking for p/t and f/t as well as lead and senior lead instructors and instructors who have experience and qualifications to work with children with special needs. If you are interested, PM me for more information. Or email
2/5/2009 7:34:27 PM
my wife might be interested... what's the pay like?
2/5/2009 9:59:34 PM
i taught lessons through an aquatics facility but now i find it much easier to build up my own client base through word of mouth and only do privates.... much better pay
2/6/2009 7:43:52 AM
probably needs to be in classifieds. this isnt a discussion on swim instructors.
2/6/2009 8:39:15 AM
2/6/2009 8:57:59 AM
thanks...wasn't really sure which message board would be's the link to the positions on our website...if any reasonably qualified person would like an application just email the address at the bottom of the ads and I will send one ASAP
2/8/2009 1:59:00 PM