posting for a friend, this is the craigslist link and info inside it there, my name is Pounce! I came from the shelter and think the houseis a whole new adventure- everything is so exciting to me. I love to runaround and play with my toys and foster siblings. If I can't findanything to play with, I'll even chase my tail! I am full of energy andlove to play. Don't get me wrong though, when I get worn out, all I wantto do is lay next to you and cuddle. I have a beautiful coat which is amix between a tabby and a tortie shell and cute little white paws. Iwould love a home that could give me all the attention I deserve.Estimated DOB August 2, 2008Adoption fee of $95 includes spay, testing, vaccines, deworming, and flea preventionPlease go to to fill out an application!Colleen
1/15/2009 1:16:53 PM