Room for Sublease at University Suites off of Avent Ferry/Trailwood Rd. Individual Lease, private bathroom, includes utilities. $430 for May, June, July, Aug is FREE. No Pets. MUST MOVE OUT!!!! Call 919-279-1800.
1/6/2009 9:05:39 PM
Is that $430 for all three months or $430 for each month?
1/6/2009 10:51:34 PM
each month, sorry that was confusing. BUt it includes all utilities, internet, cable and telephone.
1/6/2009 11:02:20 PM
might wanna take your number outta there
1/6/2009 11:16:15 PM
^^^^are you mentally fucking retarded or whatYOUR ORIGINAL THREAD WAS STILL ON THE FRONT PAGE
1/6/2009 11:58:27 PM