I'm looking at every job website I can find, but the best way to find a job is to know someone.Here is what im looking for.Part-Time in the afternoons.Im bilingual, Spanish - English.Im studying International Relations so maybe something in a Law Firm or something.Let me know.
1/5/2009 11:18:28 PM
let me know?seriously? like you're doing us a favor to get you a job?get off your fucking high horse
1/5/2009 11:21:29 PM
I, too, would like TWW to find me a job. Get on it.Let me know.
1/5/2009 11:39:49 PM
1/5/2009 11:41:57 PM
1/5/2009 11:50:04 PM
Point mostly being the man could have been a little gracious or humble in his post rather than coming off like a lazy retard that is just trolling job websites waiting for something to fall in his lap. It disturbs me even more that he indicates his career direction is in international relations, as in effective communication. suggestions for a closer that would have gone over much better:"If you have any ideas or suggestions can you help set me on the right track""Does anybody know of any opportunities that sounds like a fit for me?"etcnot "Let me know".
1/6/2009 12:13:54 AM
I knew this was a bad idea
1/6/2009 12:30:00 AM
fact of the matter is pretty much every decent part time job is not hiring...jan/feb are traditionally the worst hiring months for part time jobs anyways, and with this economy its even worse...everyone and their mama wants a job now a days
1/6/2009 12:32:20 AM
Let me rephrase my post.I have been out of the country for the past several years on a volunteer relief work trip. I have just returned to Raleigh, and I am in great need for a job. I realize the economy sucks right now and there aren't much jobs out there. Im not sure of the best way to find a job. I am fluent in spanish and I am a people person. Do you have any ideas or suggestions can you help set me on the right track? What are the best places to look for this type of employment? Does anybody know of any opportunities that sounds like a fit for me?Thanks for any help you can offer me.
1/6/2009 12:39:12 AM
http://raleigh.craigslist.org/search/jjj?query=spanishBOOM, HEADSHOT!And yeah, that should get you started. I saw a number of listings on there for varying office assistant type jobs. Not sure about the afternoon part time part, but I'm willing to bet you'll find a few like this: http://raleigh.craigslist.org/ofc/968069896.htmlJust keep your eyes out.
1/6/2009 1:35:12 AM
you should also try other ways to search for jobs other than the internet.most people make this mistake and are stuck unemployed b/c they are slaves to their PC
1/6/2009 9:22:19 AM
let me know
1/6/2009 10:05:46 AM
I'm kinda smartI don't like to work too hardI need $75K+ a yearlet me know
1/6/2009 10:14:44 AM
Let me know.
1/6/2009 11:19:57 AM
Have you checked with staffing agencies in the area? there is usally a pretty high demand for someone that is bilingual, and they have a hard time filling those positions.
1/6/2009 11:23:01 AM
know of any good staffing agencies
1/6/2009 1:34:29 PM
Could yall get me a cup of coffee while youre at it
1/6/2009 1:36:19 PM
1/6/2009 1:39:43 PM
^^^Seriously? http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=staffing+agencies+raleigh
1/6/2009 2:16:11 PM
1/6/2009 5:11:53 PM
esl office?
1/6/2009 7:31:35 PM
^^^ nicely played
1/6/2009 7:47:40 PM
^^^^ To be fair, not all staffing agencies are created equal. A lot of them are absolute shit. I don't think it's that bad to ask if anyone knows a good staffing agency.
1/6/2009 8:04:50 PM
Try stripping. I hear it makes good money.
1/7/2009 7:57:25 AM
hit up labor ready you would fit right in with all the lazy fucks that go there to find work
1/7/2009 11:54:54 AM
1/7/2009 12:55:06 PM
1/7/2009 1:49:30 PM
i was hopin' you might kiss it just a little bit.let me know.
1/7/2009 2:43:54 PM
1/7/2009 3:36:17 PM
1/7/2009 4:30:37 PM