I was recently in a small wreck and the rear tire was hit. The car has wishbone suspension with coil springs. the frame wasn't damaged but the right wheel is fucked. I was able to drive it a short distance to park. What if any other information would you need to ascertain to make a reasonable estimate for repair cost.thanks
12/31/2008 1:53:13 PM
call your insurance company and have someone come and give you an estimate.
12/31/2008 4:40:03 PM
Take it to Daniel's Alignment, I had the same thing happen to my 96 accord. Although mine had to have the rear crossmember replaced.If you have a similar problem expect it to cost you around $600. They will get your alignment perfect though, I highly recommend their work.http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&view=map&q=auto+repair+70+garner,+nc&sll=35.726592,-78.648679&sspn=0.027976,0.038624&ie=UTF8&ll=35.833123,-78.53302&spn=0.447011,0.617981&t=h&z=11&iwloc=A&iwd=1&cid=35661979,-78563856,18110663949847158465&dtab=2
1/2/2009 1:43:47 PM