Anyone use yahoo calendar web services? I have a web app where I want to add events to users yahoo calendars. However, I can not find the yahoo calendar api's....There are lots of bits of info via google, some say it exists, others say it does not.While I'm on the topic, what is the online cal you use - I'm looking to integrate with some of the most popular (google, yahoo, ical).
12/23/2008 11:43:54 AM
I use yahoo calandar over anything else. I use it mainly becuase I use yahoo for my primary personal email.
12/23/2008 11:48:51 AM
12/23/2008 12:29:37 PM
^not looking for the UI widget. I want the webservice so I can create entries in yahoo users calendars...
12/23/2008 3:04:50 PM
update: I integrated my web app with google calendar. Once I did that, I got integration with basically every other calendar for free, via the ical format. Every google calendar exposes an iCal feed of its self.
12/28/2008 4:51:30 PM
12/28/2008 5:31:24 PM