I am an intern at the Pope Center and a Senior at NC State. We are conducting this survey so that students have a voice and are able to let other students know which professors are worth taking!"The Pope Center for Higher Education Policy is conducting a survey of NCSUGeneral Education Courses. Taking this survey is a chance to help currentand future students take the best - most interesting and unbiased - coursesat NCSU.Please take a moment to rate your courses and professors, and then send thislink to your friends:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=wtfMkgOuZ6lKrgNLZLaBbw_3d_3dFor each survey you complete, you have a chance to win the Pope Center's$250 drawing."Thanks and Go Pack!!
12/2/2008 1:55:10 PM
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suspend unless hot
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