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 Message Boards » » Dick Cheney indicted Page [1]  
Mr Grace
All American
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grand jury has indicted Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on charges related to the alleged abuse of prisoners in Willacy County's federal detention centers.

The indictment criticizes Cheney's investment in the Vanguard Group, which holds interests in the private prison companies running the federal detention centers. It accuses Cheney of a conflict of interest and "at least misdemeanor assaults" on detainees by working through the prison companies.

Gonzales is accused of using his position while in office to stop an investigation into abuses at the federal detention centers.

Another indictment charges state Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. with profiting from his public office by accepting honoraria from prison management companies.

The indictments were first reported by KRGV-TV.[/quote][quote] McALLEN, Texas — A South Texas
sounds like a stretch to me

11/18/2008 6:15:52 PM

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the link kinda gives that away

11/18/2008 6:17:53 PM

All American
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can someone get pardoned before they're convicted?

11/18/2008 6:18:05 PM

All American
14657 Posts
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wait what?

11/18/2008 6:18:11 PM

All American
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^^ the idea has been floated that Bush can, Constitutionally, pardon any and all people, named and unnamed, charged or not yet charged, relating to a specific crime or incident, like torture.

11/18/2008 6:30:17 PM

All American
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^ Can and should pardon.

And this:

Quote :
"In practice, a grand jury rarely acts in a manner contrary to the wishes of the prosecutor. Judge Sol Wachtler, the former Chief Judge of New York State, was quoted as saying that a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to 'indict a ham sandwich.'"

[Edited on November 18, 2008 at 6:51 PM. Reason : PS: The C in "Constitutionally" (sic) should be lowercase. FYI. ]

11/18/2008 6:49:23 PM

All American
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you cant indict satan . . . duh

11/18/2008 7:04:23 PM

All American
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^^ indict you on being an old-lady grammarian. seriously, fuck your "capitalization" lectures.

as to this latest indictment... what a waste. this sort of frivolous bullshit on thin evidence and tenuous connections only serves to marginalize their real crimes.

[Edited on November 18, 2008 at 7:51 PM. Reason : ]

11/18/2008 7:48:22 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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maybe their site couldnt handle drudge linked traffic?

[Edited on November 18, 2008 at 7:50 PM. Reason : d]

11/18/2008 7:49:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^ Can and should pardon."

saying nothing about this current indictment, how the fuck can you say that Bush should retroactively pardon any and all involved in potentially illegal actions like torture?

11/18/2008 9:32:17 PM

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holy shit this is actually somewhat legit, on yahoo now...dont see anything happening from this though

11/19/2008 2:07:12 AM

All American
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how ironic....
Quote :
"Gonzales' attorney, George Terwilliger III, said in a written statement, "This is obviously a bogus charge on its face, as any good prosecutor can recognize." He said he hoped Texas authorities would take steps to stop "this abuse of the criminal justice system.""

11/19/2008 9:48:26 AM

All American
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i lawled

11/19/2008 11:01:19 AM

All American
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You can't charge Cheney with this, he doesn't belong to any specific branch of the government and is therefore above the law.

11/19/2008 11:03:52 AM

All American
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I'm sure the next administration and Congress is going to step carefully around this issue. On one hand, I'm sure they'd love to score some points with their base by crucifying Dick Cheney and Co. for public display. Yet at the same time, they probably don't want to set any sort of precedence that could cause them trouble down the road when they have to make controversial foreign policy decisions. Its not that I anticipate Obama doing stuff as stupid as the current White House, but their enemies may use the established precedence to make their lives a living hell down the road.

11/19/2008 11:13:26 AM

All American
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yeah, and even a lot of his supporters will probably be against aggressively pursing Bush and Cheney, preferring just to let it slide.
That's really to bad, though, considering how undeniable it is that they've broken many, many laws....

11/19/2008 11:30:49 AM

All American
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Didn't say you have to give them a free ride, but just be very careful how you proceed. At very least, keep in mind that if you come across as running a witch hunt instead of a very specific and well defined case, the Republicans or perhaps even disgruntled Democrats might easily come after you with the same tactics five, six years down the road for even the slightest misstep you've made.

11/19/2008 12:09:02 PM

All American
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I don't think there's ever been an ex-president or ex-VP prosecuted (or even seriously investigated) for actions they performed during their administration, in 200-plus years of the American presidency.... and i seriously doubt that's because there's never been any actions deserving scrutiny by a prosecutor

at the risk of sounding conspiratorial, there must be some unwritten code for how incoming Presidents treat their predecessors' records.

Kind of like Vegas.

[Edited on November 19, 2008 at 2:06 PM. Reason : ]

11/19/2008 2:00:21 PM

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i'll just put this right here

12/2/2010 9:40:45 AM

All American
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They can have him! He'd probably just shoot up the place though.

12/2/2010 11:10:14 AM

All American
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Fuck Cheney... I see him on the same level as Saddam.

I hope he gets hit by a truck while crossing the road, because as we know, he will never face justice for his crimes against humanity.

12/2/2010 12:14:58 PM

All American
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12/2/2010 12:35:46 PM

All American
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Cheney doesn't know the Americas were inhabited by native people when the Europeans came.

Quote :
"Former US Veep Dick Cheney condemned Trump’s proposal. “I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in,” Cheney said. “I mean, religious freedom has been a very important part of our history and where we came from. A lot of people, my ancestors got here, because they were Puritans.”

He added: “There wasn’t anybody here then when they came,” leaving him open to criticism for dismissing the existence of Native Americans."

Or he doesn't consider them as humans, as was the prevailing belief centuries ago.

12/9/2015 12:36:29 AM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » Dick Cheney indicted Page [1]  
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