10/22/2008 1:16:00 PM
did this really need a thread?
10/22/2008 1:16:53 PM
10/22/2008 1:30:38 PM
I thought it was a good example of how utterly ridiculous the Nanny State is. I wouldn't be surprised if this type of thing happens in the US in the next 20 years.
10/22/2008 1:33:38 PM
whatever. An overactive inspector doesn't exactly = a Nanny State. This is about on par with the "my homeowners association is fining me for putting purple flamingos in my yard" threads that come weekly. If you want real examples of where GB is fucking up, just focus on the video cameras and street surveillance.
10/22/2008 1:50:41 PM
Would you say they need more cameras?
10/22/2008 1:54:13 PM
sounds like hes saying the opposite of that
10/22/2008 2:01:11 PM
10/22/2008 2:13:37 PM