I've google the hell out of this but can't find and specific prices for renting UHAUL trailors. Anyone rented one before? how do they charge? by day? by week? what are the typical rates?
9/24/2008 2:13:18 PM
9/24/2008 2:18:10 PM
Even though they only cost $20-$40, there is an $0.89 charge per mile. Also make sure you return it clean with blankets folded etc. or they will tack on another $50 to clean it up. I rented one that had a little bit of dirt in it (not enough to matter) and they charged that renter $50 despite it only taking the woman a few seconds to clean up. They make their money on additional crap, not on the initial amount you pay.
9/24/2008 2:25:13 PM
yeah really how'd you not try uhaul.com
9/24/2008 2:25:19 PM
google skills+1
9/24/2008 2:42:53 PM
Can you rent one from say, Raleigh, then drop it off in Wilmington?
9/24/2008 2:43:55 PM
that would be called "One-Way" rentalon the UHAUL website, i am sure they give their retail locations
9/24/2008 2:49:35 PM
9/24/2008 2:55:38 PM
call uhaul...
9/24/2008 3:05:03 PM