just bought 2 of "The Cleat" for a study we're running to mount some video cameras in a Combine Harvester cabin. We also had another study that we need to project a "driving" video during, and all of the videos I found online were shit, so I decided to use my own camera and this mount to film my own.Long story short - no shakies. Good shit. Easy to use. Doesn't require taking anything apart. $50. Buy one to document your ricecapades.
8/27/2008 7:55:52 PM
sweet thanks.
8/27/2008 8:29:49 PM
oh snap, not bad.but i made one for much cheaper with ace hardware stuff.but either way that looks like a solid mount.
8/27/2008 10:28:11 PM
Yeah, it's rock solid. It has a 10lb weight capacity, which would hold all but the heaviest of (handheld) cameras.
8/28/2008 8:40:10 AM