read this blog on occasion and while I don't always agree, he has some interesting points. He typically remains relatively neutral on political issues --or just doesn't comment at all. His main subject material, as you might guess, is the psychiatric community and practices. Boone created a thread a few weeks ago about equal burden and equal percentage and the standard arguments on either side that we are all familiar with were used. Then nutsmackr posted this yesterday in the "LA banning fast food restaurants" thread:
7/31/2008 9:31:22 AM
Reality is imperfect and will remain imperfect. That said, of the four listed, none of them can be solved by removing personal responsiblity. Hell, all of them were caused by removing personal responsiblity. For the past 400 years the rich have worried and postured over innercity plight. Their objection is with how the poor choose the live; but you cannot fix it. You give the poor free housing, it will suddenly fill up with poor people. It is not that the poor choose to be poor, but many of us choose to spend our money on other things than pretty housing. As such, this is not a problem that needs fixing, any more than obesity. Living in society involves a lot of learning to live with other people, so get over yourself and mind your own damn business. As for poor schools, all we need to do here is mimic our European brethren and introduce competition to primary education, and to do so we will need to smash the teachers union. Doing this will require no more sacrifice from the rich; hell, it will probably even save money. Healthcare is easy too; just nationalize the system, dump everyone into an HMO, and refund the savings to the rich. Again, the solution reduces taxes!
7/31/2008 10:02:40 AM
7/31/2008 10:16:49 AM
7/31/2008 10:32:28 AM
To clarify my interpretation: I read the post as him claiming that social welfare was simply a means to an end (stickin' it to the upper class).
7/31/2008 10:52:11 AM
7/31/2008 11:06:05 AM