I bought a project truck a while back and the guy gave me a bill of sale(a very shitty one, but i have it), The guy I bought it from had bought it from a man who had died b4 he ever found the title. The truck has sat since about 2001-2002 time frame. When the original owners son assumed the estate, I guess had gotten the title as well, and after trying to contact him several times I have never been able to get ahold of him. He prolly doesn't even know about the truck. How do i get the title, any help will greatly be appreciated.
7/3/2008 5:06:01 PM
call the dmv, they are super helpful
7/3/2008 5:11:19 PM
they all seem to have been on vacation till monday
7/3/2008 5:22:48 PM
its called blind thursday, everyone ducks out early before the holiday, i haven't seen any of my hourly guys since lunch
7/3/2008 5:24:10 PM
search for "dmv" threads under my name. i explain the "real life" bonded title process a little bit. however, if it's hung up in an estate you might have bigger problems and a bonded title won't fly. here, have fun:http://www.ncdot.org/dmv/vehicle_services/registrationtitling/titlemanual/download/NCTitleManual.pdfi read every page of the thing a while back and remember a lot of specifics about trusts and estates, but would hesitate to quote anything specific off hand without going back through it and i'm sure you can read just fine. fyi, bills of sale on autos are useless for any sort of proof of ownership or titling. pretty much only used for adjusting assigned values.
7/4/2008 1:36:51 AM
updated ?topic=522102
7/4/2008 2:31:58 AM