Just having recently graduated and feeling burned out about my currently job I’m looking to land a job involving a RA position conducting psychological research. The problem I have is that I am moving out of the place I am at now and into a 1 bedroom apartment for around $450-$500 plus ults. So within a month I will need a full time job that can cover the bills, and I don’t know what path to take. Path 1. Current job is similar to social work (the company is Maxim Healthcare) but I have been with the same client for two years, working the same hours (F-M) and I need a change. This job has offered me benefits and at one time offered to help me get full time hours or close to 40. My bosses have been great to me, especially as a student, and I don’t necessary mind the work. I just need a change in hours to M-F roughly 9-5. The problem is that I’m afraid its time to leave and just find something else, but this job has offered me everything I need. Path 2. This path would involve keeping the hours I have now, until I land a job at somewhere like RTI, ITR, or something similar. The positives are that the job would land me some experience that would be beneficial for my trip back into graduate school, and would be more interesting/fulfilling. The downside is the turn around rate to obtain a job, the possibility of not getting a job, poor pay, etc that will affect my cash flow to pay for the bills. Sorry for all the words, but any opinions?
6/15/2008 1:57:22 AM
Why not start out on choice 2 and if the job search is proving fruitless switch to choice 1?
6/15/2008 2:02:46 AM
Path 3Move in with parents.
6/15/2008 4:24:16 PM