<script src="http://www.gop.com/Widget/ObamaTownHall/ObamaTownHall.js"></script>
6/14/2008 12:15:10 PM
lol come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnthere are like 5 months til november we have plenty of time...this is just a stupid thing right wingers will cling to since they know their candidate is in the shitter
6/14/2008 12:21:03 PM
Since you're posting from GOP.com, I guess I don't mind posting from dailykos:
6/14/2008 12:30:44 PM
so he distributed tickets to republicans and independents...i wonder who would have gotten to distribute tickets to the democrats if they would have attended
6/14/2008 12:35:41 PM
Its disappointing that they have not able to negotiate this, at least yet. Its notoriously difficult to arrange debates between candidates - but clearly we all gain by as many formats and opportunities we have for both of them to debate.A combination of several each of traditional style, town hall style, and lincoln/douglas style debates would be awesome.
6/14/2008 1:16:55 PM
6/14/2008 1:34:12 PM
perhaps, the article didn't really state whether the campaign actually told them that (not sure why they would mislead the media and then point it out)i guess they should just say from now on that all meetings will have dems, reps, and inds if the dems decide to participate in politics that day
6/15/2008 6:22:35 PM
6/15/2008 7:28:44 PM
6/15/2008 7:34:25 PM