has anyone else noticed thisdoes anyone think it's real... that companies are paying porn producers to advertise their productsit is a VERY large demographic...
6/5/2008 5:36:21 PM
i can honestly say i have not noticed this.was there like a coke bottle or a coke truck driving by in the window?or perhaps he was delivering a papa johns big sausage pizza?
6/5/2008 6:29:17 PM
or mid stroke it goes into a stacker 2 shot commercial. STACKER TWO!!!!!! GET YOUR STAMINA BACK!!!!
6/5/2008 6:31:25 PM
i've seen one where a sign for michelob light was center framed in the shoti've also seen one where the chick was dicking around with a v8 fusion for quite a while (not fucking it, but holding it and stuff)
6/5/2008 6:40:32 PM
you'd think they'd advertise condoms
6/5/2008 9:32:19 PM
or sex toys
6/5/2008 10:52:10 PM
Pepsi anal beads?
6/5/2008 10:56:39 PM
6/5/2008 11:05:35 PM
^ ?
6/6/2008 10:41:25 AM
Men are narrow?
6/6/2008 10:49:34 AM
http://cache.tc.members-access.com/nhp/hd_galleries/cwp/120/01/vids/cwp_120_01.wmvhere it isand it was miller light
6/29/2008 11:29:52 AM
It looks like she has a back tattoo blurred out....maybe it says "drink Bud Light"?
6/29/2008 7:28:10 PM
I like everyone hanging out at the bar behind them
6/29/2008 8:58:18 PM