Laboratory Animal Resources at the Vet School has 9 dogs available to beadopted out immediately.These dogs will go to a terminal study, if there are no takers for adoptionbefore May 30th. We would much rather see these dogs, who have given somuch to research, go to a good home to live out the rest of their lives,but we cannot keep them here any longer.If you're interested in any of the following, contact Angel Rollins or call her at (919) 513-6340.
5/27/2008 11:25:11 AM
Do you have any dogs that aren't ugly?j/k...I wish I could take one.
5/27/2008 11:40:27 AM
How about a working link, please?
5/27/2008 7:10:59 PM
the link works fine. message_topic.aspx?topic=527672looks like someone took the page down.
5/27/2008 7:35:57 PM