I don't want the hypertext in the website--I want the actual gadget to appear on the site. This is where I'm getting it:http://gmodules.com/ig/creator?synd=open&url=http%3A//www.mortgage-info.com/gadgets/gadgetsmortgagecalculator.xml&pt=%26context%3Dd%26synd%3Dopen%26lang%3Den%26.lang%3Den%26country%3Dus%26.country%3Dus%26cat%3Dall%26num%3D1%26start%3D-1%26cols%3D1%26objs%3DaD8&sn=aD8&lang=enbut when I copy and paste it on the page, I don't get the gadget after the site is done building. Am I a dumbass or what. Please help. I have to get this done by 6pm. If you're in knoxville and can help, I'll give you a corona.
5/23/2008 3:56:35 PM
<script src="http://gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.mortgage-info.com/gadgets/gadgetsmortgagecalculator.xml&synd=open&w=250&h=200&title=Mortgage+Calculator&border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js"></script>[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 4:04 PM. Reason : ?]
5/23/2008 3:59:04 PM
You were trying to c/p the link to the gadget, not the code for the gadget. The code above is what you need. He found that by clicking the "Get the Code" button
5/23/2008 4:49:42 PM
Yeah, i got the code and c/p the code on the page (not the link for the page), but after the site was done building, all I got was the code as hypertext on the page, which linked it to the mc. I was looking to actually see the mortgage calculator and not that longass hypertext...or if someone could just tell me how to change what the hypertext says (like something short like M.C. for example) that would be helpful.
5/23/2008 5:05:25 PM