Does PTC offer any Pro/E Wildfire student packages? The bookstore doesn't carry them, and I'd like to get my hands on one. Or at least a copy of Pro/E...
5/23/2008 11:58:49 AM
5/23/2008 1:22:20 PM
Good call.I'm wondering what the differences in Wildfire 3.0 and Wildfire 4.0 are.
5/23/2008 1:33:08 PM
holy shit m20 actually made it out ?thank god i'm not in that business anymore
5/23/2008 3:38:58 PM
Do the student versions last for their full term (approx 13-14 mo) or do they end when you graduate before that period when you bought it (in my case, a few months) ? I didn't wanna order this or autocad just to find out the terms would cancel the usage or make me pay the extra 300-400 to get the full version.
5/23/2008 3:51:00 PM
5/23/2008 6:25:39 PM
I was looking at Autocad LT mainly, didn't realize this shit cost that much for the full, complete version, even more reason to find out about it.
5/23/2008 7:02:41 PM
yeah, its expensive. i was looking into getting pro/e for my company a couple years ago, it was somewhere in the neighborhood of $4000/suite for the "base model" (ie, pro/e only). each add on like sheet metal, cabling, fea, etc was another $2000-$4000 iirc. its been a while, so i don't remember exactly what the numbers were.
5/23/2008 8:52:12 PM