just wanted to point this out for
5/23/2008 1:22:33 AM
5/23/2008 1:25:55 AM
I have never thrown away a console in my life.Ever.
5/23/2008 1:27:51 AM
you've never heard about this before? it's been going on for a long time with computers, scanners, etc... we just dump all our shit on developing countries and forget about it, the american way.
5/23/2008 1:59:37 AM
5/23/2008 2:00:36 AM
those whiney environmentalists.
5/23/2008 2:43:22 AM
it's nice that they didn't even bother to tell you what the 'toxic contents' arewait, nevermind they did in the article "polyvinyl chloride (PVC), beryllium, bromine, and phthalates"These are all vitamins, I'm pretty sure my Mega Men has copious amounts of these.
5/23/2008 9:28:28 AM
phthalates aren't vitamins, they are plasticizers which cause birth defects and hormonal irregularities[Edited on May 24, 2008 at 12:18 AM. Reason : s]
5/24/2008 12:18:22 AM
5/24/2008 12:19:52 AM
5/24/2008 12:22:02 AM
Oh, so that's how the heroes in Heroes were created.
5/24/2008 1:03:50 AM
I can't afford to buy a PS3.....much less throw the muther fucker away.
5/24/2008 1:23:13 AM
5/24/2008 1:24:11 AM
any chance is better than no chance. i'll raise my kids there. super powers > no super powers every time.
5/24/2008 1:51:55 AM
ha, surprised this hasn't been touched on yet..
5/24/2008 1:52:25 AM