here's the deal.I'm broke and have a lot of random expensive stuff.Gta4 and rainbow six vegas 2 need to go.Along with a white or black 360 controller with play and charge a charge packs.30 each?I have a tipman 98 custom with a 20oz bottle.the only thing it needs is a velocity screw ($2)gas just filled and I have a lock box carrying case for it$60?Last but not least Entourage seasons 1-3a $35?
5/20/2008 1:40:53 PM
you mentioned you have random expensive stuff...when will you be posting them so i can check back?
5/20/2008 1:43:30 PM
I love twwI put the huge speakers and receiver in another thread. But your right, my idea of expensive is skewed due to my temporary bankruptcy
5/20/2008 1:50:51 PM
I know you said you need money but would you take a $25 Best Buy gift card + $10 cash for GTA IV? That's $5 more than what you're asking though its a gc.
5/20/2008 2:14:53 PM
nah. Too broke. But it may come to that of nobody offers cash.
5/20/2008 2:23:49 PM
will you mail and do you accept paypal?
5/20/2008 3:00:46 PM
uhhh ive never received money by paypal, but I have an account. What did you want?
5/20/2008 3:04:12 PM
$30 for GTA IV and white 360 controller
5/20/2008 3:09:15 PM
u gimme 10 for the controller and u got a deal.
5/20/2008 3:11:18 PM
gta and rainbow 6
5/20/2008 3:15:02 PM
PM sent.
5/20/2008 3:33:13 PM
I'd have you DJ another party for some cash but there aint nobody in town
5/20/2008 3:38:31 PM
Hey, that's what I really need! So I can stop selling off my life force.
5/20/2008 3:43:11 PM
where are you sum?
5/20/2008 5:47:31 PM
I will give you $10 for an xbox controller
5/20/2008 6:11:43 PM
whats left?RB6 Vegas 2 and controller for 30
5/20/2008 7:50:49 PM
pm sent
5/21/2008 11:39:12 AM
do you still have the 98 custom? if so, what year model is it, assuming older model, non anti chop, no cyclone feeder?
5/23/2008 7:50:52 PM
year its the older one but I'm told that those ad ons aren't too costly.hell, the lock box alone was 70. You can come look at it Sunday night or monday of you'd like.
5/23/2008 8:35:02 PM