Are you confused by chemistry? Frustrated by WebAssign? Then I can help you!I'm offering private tutoring sessions over the summer for the following courses:CH101 and CH102LCH201 and CH202LRate: $10 per hour. This applies to an individual or a group! Split an hour-long session with a friend and you each pay only $5!Availability: I am currently available after 2 PM during the week and on weekends. If this changes, I'll be sure to update this thread. Location: Anywhere on campus (library, computer lab) or near campus that works for you. Contact Information: E-mail me at or send me a PM to set up a tutoring session. More about me: I hope to graduate in December with a B.S. in Chemistry. I've already finished all the required chemistry courses for my degree! I was a teaching assistant for CH102L and CH224L (Organic II) over the past year, which was enjoyable for me and my students. They gave me lots of compliments on my evaluations! I received an A in all the courses I am offering to tutor.Feel free to shoot me a PM or e-mail if you have any questions.[Edited on May 19, 2008 at 2:53 PM. Reason : spacing]
5/19/2008 2:49:35 PM
May I forward this contact info to the class? Ditto for dharney?
5/19/2008 5:11:38 PM
Yes, that would be great. Thanks!
5/19/2008 6:19:22 PM
Here's a link to my google calender that lists my availability:[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 7:57 PM. Reason : .]
5/23/2008 7:54:14 PM
i've been undercut...
5/29/2008 1:37:12 PM
no tutoring help for organic?
5/29/2008 1:52:48 PM
^^ Yeah, but I'm not working towards a PhD, so I think you may be worth more per hour^ I'll admit I'm not great at explaining organic to others. I can do CH101 and 201 in my sleep though.
5/29/2008 1:59:15 PM
for organic, you really just have to buckle down and memorize it
5/29/2008 9:10:35 PM