if a man were wanting to have a PA reversed (i.e. the extra hole closed up), would he go to a urologist or a plastic surgeon?
5/19/2008 10:44:17 AM
i'm sure i should know what this is, but i don't
5/19/2008 10:45:50 AM
my guess is plastic surgeon, because to me it seems like a reconstructive procedure, but he thinks urologist is the route to take.]
5/19/2008 11:02:56 AM
what happened to living with consequences of one's actions
5/19/2008 11:05:03 AM
add this to the 'things i really wish i didn't know about' list.
5/19/2008 11:05:50 AM
go to the urologist and seeyou may get a referral, you may not
5/19/2008 11:06:30 AM
5/19/2008 11:07:26 AM
5/19/2008 11:35:16 AM
5/19/2008 11:38:29 AM
5/19/2008 11:39:28 AM
I was talking about myself
5/19/2008 11:40:49 AM
^^ you're right, it's not me. it's someone i know.^ are you really in the same boat?
5/19/2008 11:42:42 AM
5/19/2008 11:53:56 AM
5/19/2008 12:14:09 PM
Apparently, he could also go with a "Prince's Wand". He'd still have a metal ball on the bottom, but could possible have no problem peeing.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Albert_piercing[Edited on May 19, 2008 at 12:36 PM. Reason : image]
5/19/2008 12:35:44 PM
point and laugh.^That thing would probably make your dick spray like one of those pop-up sprinklersexcept 360 degrees[Edited on May 19, 2008 at 12:46 PM. Reason : .]
5/19/2008 12:43:48 PM
gorilla glue
5/19/2008 12:44:39 PM
why the fuck would you get a piercing for your dick that made you have to piss like a girl
5/19/2008 12:51:43 PM
the idea of poking ANYTHING through my wang is retarded, in my opinion, but i can't believe people voluntarily stick the damn thing INTO the hole...it gives me the heebeejeebies just thinking about itand poking a second hole in there? WHY?if this is your boyfriend, you really should upgrade to model with more common sense[Edited on May 19, 2008 at 1:04 PM. Reason : .]
5/19/2008 1:04:09 PM
^^^^The large ball on the end of the Prince's Wand comes out and the smaller one keeps the shaft in place. The larger ball appears to just be there for insertion/removal.[Edited on May 19, 2008 at 1:57 PM. Reason : ^]
5/19/2008 1:57:17 PM
that seems like a lovely place for bacteria
5/19/2008 1:59:09 PM